  • 期刊


The Dilemma of ASEAN Community's Internal and External security governance - A perspective from New Regionalism


東南亞國家協會(Association of Southeast Asian Nations, ASEAN,簡稱東協或東協組織)成立49年來,形成亞洲的重要區域組織,2015年底東協成立東協共同體(ASEAN Community),希望邁向如同歐盟的整合方式。新世紀以來,東協充分展現其於東亞與亞太區域政經整合的野心;但面對內外安全環境,仍有既定的結構限制。雖然東協強調「東協中心性(ASEAN Centrality)期望主導東亞政經整合,然以東協共同體的形塑過程而言,於不同時期各國有其獨特的發展目標,東協十個成員國的政治、經濟、社會文化彼此間差異過大,宗教、歷史、語言、文化的分歧更勝於歐盟。本文以新區域主義的觀點,觀察東協組織「東協方式」(ASEAN Way)與「東協中心性」之運作,例如互不干涉、尋求共識、不使用武力與區域自主性等,分析東協組織安全思維之轉變與安全治理之困境。2015年底前東協組織成立東協共同體,未來東協安全議題將包括傳統與非傳統安全的「綜合性安全」(Comprehensive Security),有別於東協成立初期冷戰背景的傳統安全,更多元的集體安全與合作安全議題,促成具合作性的東協安全共同體。東協安全共同體,亦必須於區域安全主義的思維中,融入互賴合作與多元議題的「綜合性安全」之特質。東協組織的安全治理(Security Governance)良窳,自當影響東協共同體之動力與發展。即使東協組織已有49年以上的歷史,東協共同體內外安全治理對外也強調整合與團結一致。後2015年對外深化東協與大國關系,對內加強人權與民主化實踐;東協已經成立共同體但後2015年要達到「互信互諒、共同合作」目標,仍有其侷限。對東協組織更重要者為提升治理能力,特別後東協2015年(Beyond ASEAN 2015)的政治安全、經濟與社會文化發展,將是影響東協共同體成敗的關鍵性因素。


The ASEAN community has been built in 2015. Having been adopted the "ASEAN way" and "ASEAN Centrality" for over forty-nine years, ASEAN still looks a divided organization in religion, history, societal culture. This paper aims to analyze all the dilemmas related to construct a ''ASEAN Community" from the main obstacle of ASEAN "security governance" and wants to suggest how ASEAN solve the problems. In the field of international relations, this project would tend to explain the international and regional security dilemma. ASEAN has faced all difficulties and understood all the opportunities and challenge in the past 49 years. The security governance of ASEAN includes Integration, Internal dynamics and External relations. Security institutions or for a such as the ASEAN Regional Forum(ARF), the East Asia Summit, the ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting (ADMM) and the ADMM Plus constitute the multilateral component of this architecture or security governance system. Besides, the ASEAN will consider to adopt "Track II Approach" and calls for the cooperative works with regional powers. ASEAN's "4C" security culture - conflict, coordination, cooperation and common for the good reasons to construct a ''ASEAN Security Community". Certainly it includes internal dynamics and external relations, traditional and nontraditional security, and the nature of Comprehensive Security would help to solve the difficulties of ASE N security governance. In other words, the ''ASEAN post 2015 will enhance its power of security governance in political and security, economic and societal cultural fields.
