  • 期刊


A Visit to the Disputes Arising From the Legislation and Implementation of the Act Applying Mutatis Mutandis the Allowance Standards of Public School to Private Schools


教師待遇條例係因大法官會議民國101 年12 月28 日釋字第707 號解釋而立法,其第十七條規定私校教師之加給準用公校教師加給之給予。其學校若欲予以變更,需經與教師協議或教師所授權之工會協議。立法過程中,有賴一些教師工會在諸多力量折衝之立法鬥爭下而產生該成果。外在環境層級,由於少子化之競爭環境之立法鬥爭環境,並不利於教師待遇的維持。在研擬草案階段,各方即有許多爭議,繼而立法與行政二部門間也有互動爭議不斷,而後於立法院亦有許許多多不同意見。在政、勞、資三方關係中,各方行為人皆有策略。資方極力為節省成本而以各種手段扣低學術加給,以校務會議企圖取代需與教師協議,方能扣低學術加給。勞方仍以工會積極立法鬥爭維持私立教師權益並引起行政介入。多數個別私校教師卻仍不關切其議題,多屬消極不團結者。多數不知有權與學校協商協議同意扣減方式數額。私校教師實應積極餐與工會並利用該條規定委託工會集體性的協商協議其學術加給。


Our Legislative body put out Teacher Remuneration Act due to the push of the Grand Justices Council's No. 707 interpretation. According to the article 17 of the Act, private schools shall pay their teachers the allowance Mutatis Mutandis with the allowance standards of public schools. A private school may pay lower allowance to its teacher only after the school reaches agreement with its teacher or with the union where the teacher is a member and empowers the union to negotiate. During the legislation, several teachers' unions fought for the private schools' teachers in complicated power struggles and they achieved the said favorable outcome. As to the matter of external circumstance, the trend of fewer children made it less favorable for the maintenance of the payment level for the private schools' teachers. Since the bill drafting, many disputes came out. The interactions in drafting the bill between the legislative and administrative branch invited grave differences and arguments. Even within the legislative body, several arguments among the lawmakers started. Among the tripartite of government, labor and management, actors of each group adopt their own tactics. The schools' management tried to cut down the allowance pay costs. In order to evade the negotiation and agreement, they apply school meeting in replacement of the negotiation procedure required. Labor keeps on fighting for more legislative struggles to protect the teachers' benefits and to invite interventions from the government. However, the issues are not that concerned by individual private school teachers. Very few of them get organized. Most of them do not know their right to bargain on their own allowance pay level. Actually, they should actively get organized and empower their unions to negotiate the allowance level.


Thomas A. Kochan、Harry C. Katz & Robert B. McKersie, The Transformation of American Industrial Relations. New York: Basic Books, 1986。
Yabung/Takiyu,<立院審教師待遇法 聚焦私校保障>,《原住民電視台》,2015年4月27日。http://titv.ipcf.org.tw/news-12237。
王松柏,《簡論勞動法之特殊性格、規範方法與勞動三權在我國之現況>,《勞工研究》,第 6 卷第 1 期,2006 年 6 月,頁49-72。


