  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Glucosamine Use in the Management of Osteoarthritis: Evidence-Based Medicine




Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the prevalent musculoskeletal diseases. Nutritional supplements are commonly used for a variety of musculoskeletal conditions, including knee and hip degenerative joint disease. The roles of glucosamine therapy for patients with degenerative joint disease have long been debated. In order to further understand the benefits and risks of glucosamine sulfate and Glucosamine hydrochloride for degenerative joint disease, this paper had critically analyzed the best available evidence, systematic reviews, based on the evidence-based study methods including asking, acquiring, appraising, applying and auditing. Overall, the conclusion of this study would suggest that compared with placebo, glucosamine do not reduce joint pain or have an impact on narrowing of joint space. This helps clinicians predict whether a treatment will do more good than harm.
