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Can Bed Rest for 6 to 8 Hours after Spinal Puncture Prevent the Occurrence of Post-Spinal Puncture Headache


脊髓麻醉後頭痛(PSPH)是脊髓麻醉後常見的合併症之,發生率介於12%~17.3%之間。臨床上,常規衛教病人於麻醉後臥床平躺6-8小時以預防頭痛發生,但其成效仍不明確。本文目的是以實證方法探討脊髓麻醉後臥床平躺6-8小時是否可預防頭痛的發生。依臨床情境,提出臨床問題,再將臨床問題以PICO方式呈現,並設定搜尋關鍵字以找尋最佳文獻,再進行嚴格評讀文獻。脊髓麻醉後臥床平躺與立即活動的頭痛發生率分別為26.4% vs 20.5%(PR=1.30;95% CI=1.09~1.55)。脊髓麻醉後臥床平躺6-8小時並不能預防PSPH發生,醫療人員應依最佳證據提供適合病人的照護。


Post spinal puncture headache (PSPH) is a common complication of lumbar punctures. Occurrence of PSPH varies from 1.2% to 17.3%. Bed rest for six to eight hours has been recommended after lumbar punctures with a view to preventing PSPH in the clinical field; nevertheless, this result is still unclear. The objective of this article is to find the best current evidence to evaluate the effect bed rest has on PSPH. We performed a search strategy based upon a clinical question. All keywords were develop in accordance with PICO, then the critical appraisal was done. There was no beneficial effect associated with bed rest compared with immediate mobilization on the incidence of PSPH (RR=1.30;95% CI=1.09~1.55). There is no evidence suggesting that routine bed rest after spinal puncture is beneficial for the prevention of occurrence PSPH.


Spinal puncture Ambulation Bed rest Spinal headache
