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Behavioral Intentions of Middle-Aged and Older Adults toward Colorectal Cancer Screening in Northern Taiwan


目的:運用健康信念模式,了解台灣北部地區中高齡者的大腸直腸癌篩檢現況、篩檢行為意向及影響因素。方法:於2015年6至11月間,以方便取樣取得台北及基隆地區176名50歲以上門診病人為研究對象,運用結構式問卷進行調查,所蒐集到的資料再以SPSS 20.0電腦統計套裝軟體進行描述性統計與複迴歸分析。結果:僅42.6%中高齡者有大腸直腸癌篩檢經驗,影響篩檢行為意向的因子是「婚姻狀況」、「全家月收入」、「自覺行動利益」及「行動線索」,解釋力共為34.7%(R^2=0.347),其中「行動線索」是最重要的影響因子。結論:超過半數的研究對象,未曾執行大腸直腸癌篩檢,建議健康單位主管,宜針對已婚、全家月收入低者,再加強篩檢的行動利益說明,並運用更多元化的傳播管道提供篩檢訊息,以促進中高齡者的大腸直腸癌篩檢行為。


Objectives. This study used the health belief model to examine participation in colorectal cancer (CRC) screening among middle-aged and older adults living in northern Taiwan, as well as investigate the factors influencing their intentions to participate in this screening. Methods. In the convenience sampling we conducted from June to November 2016, we recruited 176 outpatients aged 50 years or older living in the Taipei-Keelung region. A structured questionnaire was used to survey the participants, and SPSS 20.0 was used perform all statistical operations. Results. Only 42.6% participants had actually undergone the screening before. "Marital status," "monthly family income," "perceived benefits," and "cues to action" explained 34.7% (R^2=0.347) of the variance in the aforementioned behavioral intentions. "Cues to action" was the most influential of all factors. Conclusion. More than half of the middle-aged and older adult population living in Northern Taiwan has never participated in CRC screening. Therefore, health care authorities may want to advocate the benefits of this screening to married couples and people with low monthly family incomes. In addition, such authorities are suggested to provide related information through more diversified communication channels to encourage middle-aged and older adults to participate in CRC screening.


衛生福利部:104年主要死因統計結果分析。http://dep.mohw.gov.tw/DOS/lp-1777-113.html。引用05/31/2017。Ministry of Health and Welfare: Analysis of the ten leading causes of death in Taiwan in 2015. Available at: http://dep.mohw.gov.tw/DOS/lp-1777-113.html. Accessed May 31, 2017. [In Chinese]
Ng, S,Wong, S(2013).Colorectal cancer screening in Asia.Br Med Bull.105,29-42.
