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Using Quality Control Tools to Improve the Chemotherapy Order Information System




The statistics regarding the process of executing chemotherapy drug orders administration in 70 patients in a regional teaching hospital show that there were 142 times less-effective orders in total for the period of study. There were 76.8% near misses out of 109 times, and 81.43% taking more than 1.5 hours to execute. We analyzed the factors by fishbone diagram and found the main problems to be the following: dosage calculation of drugs, counting error in microdrop setting, and repeatedly written drug administration and treatment records. Based on these findings, our project goals were to reduce the near misses to none and increased the efficiency of executing drug administration order of less than 1.5 hours to 85%. During the period, we did the following: (1) integrated treatment sheets, drug types and administration methods, (2) designed bundles of drug use for different cancers and develop drug dosage automatic conversion model, (3) linked the order and drug information system to promote the efficiency of executing drug order administration. We reduced to five ineffective cases and two near miss cases. After further improvement, near misses were reduced to none and the rate of executing drug administration order less than 1.5 hours increased to 91.93%. In conclusion, using quality control tools to improve the chemotherapy order information system can truly improve the accuracy of the process of executing chemotherapy drug administration order. Also, it can reduce near misses and the time we spend on executing drug administration orders. Finally, it can increase the team work efficiency.


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