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Survey Study on the Behavior of Preschool Educators toward Children's Medication Safety in Taiwan




Objectives. The purpose of this study was to investigate the current situation and difference of preschool educators' behavior toward children's medication safety in Taiwan. Methods. A self-administered questionnaire was used as a research tool to obtain data from 1,000 preschool educators in Taiwan using stratified random sampling. Of the 969 samples collected, 963 were valid questionnaires. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test and one-way ANOVA. Results. The correct implementation rate of preschool educators' behavior toward children's medication safety in Taiwan was 92.44%. The subscale with the highest implementation rate was "medication treatment" (95.14%), followed by "relevant laws and regulations" (92.10%) and "medication knowledge and skills" (87.97%). Preschool educators with different "ages", "educational backgrounds", "majors", "years of service", "nature of preschool", "teaching locations" and "titles" had significantly different scores on the children's medication safety behavior scale. Conclusion. Preschool educators may use regular preschool administrative or teaching staff meetings to share and discuss experiences relevant to consolidating medication safety behavior for children. Alternatively, they may proactively ask professional nurses employed at preschools for relevant information. Competent authoritative personnel working for education or health units should include topics related to medication safety for children into workshops to improve medication safety behaviors for children among preschool educators.


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