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Communication and Cognitive Gaps between Inpatients and Attending Physicians




Objectives. To investigate communication and cognitive differences between attending physicians and hospitalized patients. Methods. Using cross-sectional questionnaires, we assessed both the patients' and attending physicians' perception of the physician-patient communication. Results. A total of 132 patient questionnaires and 132 attending doctor questionnaires were collected. The average scores obtained by doctors in each category were significantly lower than those obtained by the patients, particularly, the doctors' perceptions of whether the patients wanted to be more involved in the medical decision-making process were significantly lower than the patients' perception. Conclusion. The differences in perception between patients and doctors interaction during the course of medical care contribute greatly to the physician-patient relationship. A lack of knowledge and awareness of cognitive differences between patients and doctors interaction interfere with quality of patient-centered medical care and increase the risk of medical disputes, and thus deserves further attention.


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