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Discussion on the development of health care industry by the verification system of folk conditioning skills




This study aims to explore the influence of folk custom conditioning industry on health care industry after the implementation of the skill verification system, to show the internal and external environment situation of the folk custom conditioning industry through literature analysis, industry overview analysis, SWOT analysis and fish bone diagram analysis. The result shows that although the folk custom conditioning industry has a long history, it is also restricted by laws and regulations, and is only listed as commercial activities without medical background, which makes it unable to be included in the medical system, let alone apply for health insurance payment, and even forbid to conduct in-depth and invasive physical treatment behavior in TCM Hospital, and can only serve as the assistant of the Department of traditional Chinese medicine injury not to mention applying for health insurance benefits. Even in traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, it is strictly forbidden to carry out in-depth and invasive physical therapy, and can only serve as an assistant in the Department of Traumatology of traditional Chinese medicine. As a result, long-standing skills such as shoulder dislocations and caudal retraction that can be recovered without an operation will be lost. Therefore, there are six findings in this study:I. There is a great demand for skill verification, and the examination qualification should be adhered to; II. we should pa y attention to the right to work and prevent the investment from being wasted.III. It is necessary to expand promotion and experience activities; IV. We need to know our competitors, and should not be content with staying where we are;V. The insurance system and work safety still need to be further completed; VI. We need more potential for growth without resorting to surgical reduction. At last, I hoped that the above suggestions can provide reference for the competent authorities in the future development strategy of folk custom conditioning industry, so as to protect the working staffs’ right to work and improve there sub-health status. In addition, through technology research and development, we can master scientific empirical data to ensure the advantage s of long-term development.


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