  • 期刊

P League^+職業籃球聯賽觀賞性消費者參與動機之研究

Consumer Participation Motivations in the Appreciation of the P League^+ Professional Basketball League


本研究之目的在探討觀賞P League^+職業籃球聯賽消費者參與動機之現況及各因素間之差異情形,探討不同背景變項觀賞P League^+職業籃球聯賽消費者參與動機之差異情形。採用問卷調查法,以「P League^+職業籃球聯賽觀賞性消費者參與動機量表」為研究工具。調查曾到現場觀看P League^+職業籃球聯賽的消費者為研究對象。並以SPSS 20.0軟體進行資料處理與統計分析,獲得以下結果:一、透過探索性因素分析與內部一致性考驗等信、效度檢驗,結果顯示,參與動機量表具有良好的信、效度,適合本研究調查研究使用。二、P League^+職業籃球聯賽觀賞性消費者參與動機現況介於普通至同意之間,「興趣動機」,感受程度最高,可視為第一等級;其次是「球迷動機」,可視為第二等級;接著是「娛樂動機」與「人際動機」,可視為第三等級;「行銷動機」,感受程度最低,為第四等級。三、在不同背景變項部份,性別、教育程度、觀賽場次及支持球隊等四項,在「參與動機」上有顯著差異情形;在年齡、職業則未有顯著差異。


消費者 參與動機 阻礙因素 籃球


The purpose of this study is to explore the current situation of participation motivation of P League^+ consumers, the differences among the factors, as well as the differences in participation motivation of P League^+ consumers under different background variables. Adopting the questionnaire method, and using the "Consumer Participation Motivation Scale in the Appreciation of the P League^+" as the research instrument, this study was conducted on consumers who had watched the P League+ on site. SPSS 20.0 was used for data processing and statistical analysis, and the following results were obtained: 1. The results of the tests for validity and reliability, such as the exploratory factor analysis and the internal consistency test, show that the Participation Motivation Scale had good reliability and validity and was suitable for this study. 2. The current situation of consumer participation motivation in the P League^+ was between average and agreeable, and the "Interest Motivation", which was the highest level of perception, was considered as Level 1. The second one, "Fan Motivation", was considered as Level 2. The third one was "Entertainment Motivation" and "Interpersonal Motivation", which were considered as Level 3, followed by the lowest level of perception, "marketing motivation", which was considered as Level 4. 3. There were significant differences in "participation motivation" between the four variables of gender, education, game attendance, and team support, while there were no significant differences in age and occupation.


王保進(2006)。中文視窗版 SPSS 與行為科學研究。臺北市:心理出版社。 吳明隆(2003)。SPSS 統計應用學習實務-問卷分析與應用統計。臺北市,知城數位科技。
臺灣籃球維基館(2021)。網路資料: http://wikibasketball.dils.tku.edu.tw/index.php/%E4%B8%AD%E8%8F%AF%E 8%81%B7%E6%A5%AD%E7%B1%83%E7%90%83%E8%81%AF%E7%9B %9F
