  • 期刊


A Study of the Difficulty Solution and Retribution of ZengBao Plot in MingQing Chuanqi and multiple Space Construction of Traditional Opera Texts




This paper investigates the traditional opera texts from the perspective of "spatial construction" and combines narrative tradition with traditional opera performances. Specifically, it explores how the difficulty solution and retribution of "ZengBao" plot in MingQing Chuanqi affects the space structure in the text. The research results indicate that the evolution of the "ZengBao" plot has both mythological themes inherited from the story of "LiuYi ChuanShu" and can also be applied to historical themes. In terms of narrative structure, it uses copying, combining, adding, transplanting, filling, changing and other skills, deriving the new narrative structure, and developing further the theme concept--"ZengBao" can not only solve difficulty and pay retribution, but also test people's hearts. Consequently, the interrelationship between "ZengBao" and the texts, narrative structure and thematic thoughts also affects the development of drama stage performance towards realistic art. Finally, this study examines the ideological connotation of real life, and the social characteristics that reflect the material culture and the delight of life in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The originality and importance of this research are distinctive from the previous research perspective of using "objects", rather than "space construction of traditional opera text" through crucial plots. Additionally, the research is not limited to "table scripts", but extends to the stage performance, and takes into account both the literary and performance aspects as well. It is expected that this paper can possibly provide new research results and academic contributions that are different from the past in terms of the perspective of the research system of the "ZengBao" plot in the narrative tradition, or from the perspective of the thematic research of MingQing Chuanqi.


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