  • 期刊


A Study of Internal structure of the Chinese Session Evaluation Questionnaire (C-SEQ)


晤談評量問卷(Session Evaluation Questionnaire, SEQ)過去經常被作為評量諮商影響的用途,最新版本SEQ-5係由21對語意區分的相對形容詞組成,各題項採7點評分的方式計分。研究目的:本研究探討求助大學生在中文SEQ(C-SEQ)的反應情形,及C-SEQ的內部結構。研究方法:以2014年10月至2016年7月間,至台灣13所大學的諮商輔導中心,接受個別諮商的焦慮依附風格之學生為參與者,以N = 77探討C-SEQ的內部相關和內部一致性,及以參與者填答的第1次至第3次個別諮商之230份C-SEQ,探討C-SEQ諮商段落層次的因素結構。研究結果:以C-SEQ晤談評量向度和晤談後情感評量向度各10題,不含評量晤談整體感受的「差的-好的」題項,進行探索性和驗證性因素分析,可確認C-SEQ包含:深度性、順暢性、正向性和激動性的四個因素結構,以及此問卷的內部相關和內部一致性信度。研究結論:C-SEQ呈現四個因素的結構,這四個因素間存有中高度相關,且C-SEQ具有良好的信度。探索性因素分析與驗證性因素分析顯示,C-SEQ在晤談評量向度的信效度較晤談後情感評量向度理想。C-SEQ可作為國內心理師了解焦慮依附風格個案,接受個別諮商後在晤談感受的深度性、順暢性、正向性與激動性立即影響之諮商實務與研究用途。


The Session Evaluation Questionnaire(SEQ) has been applied to measure the impact of counseling sessions. The SEQ Form 5 (the most recent version) includes 21 items in a 7-point bipolar adjective format. The items are divided into two sections: session evaluation and postsession mood evaluation. The stem 'This session was' precedes the first 11 items(session evaluation). The stem 'Right now I feel' precedes the second 10 items (postsession mood evaluation). Objective: The purpose of this research attempted to explore the internal structure of the Chinese Session Evaluation(C-SEQ). Methods: The C-SEQ data were collected in a heterogeneous convenience sample of 95 participants with preoccupied attachment style at 13 universities in Taiwan, with each participant attending counseling session three times and completing three C-SEQ forms over the course of her/his first to third treatment(N= 285), and data collecting were from October, 2014 to July, 2016. Results: Both using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, including the dimension of session evaluation and the dimension of postsession mood evaluation in C-SEQ, not including "bad- good" items, in C-SEQ, the result could confirm C-SEQ including four factors, such as depth, smoothness, positivity, and arousal. The finding also showed the actual reaction of participants to C-SEQ. Conclusions: C-SEQ yields four factors. Intercorrelation of C-SEQ, measured by Pearson product-moment correlation has been medium to high, and reliability of C-SEQ has been high. C-SEQ is now available as an instrument for counseling process research and giving feedback for counseling practicum in Taiwan.


