  • 期刊


A Study on Retirement and Retirement Planning of Public Officers in Taiwan




Almost every country in the world has an aging society and more attention is being paid to issues related to the elderly. In 2017, Taiwan transited from an aging society to an aged society. An aging society can cause many problems and impact such areas as state finances, economics, society, and hygiene. These problems recently become challenges for most countries. The concept of retirement changes with social change, and the meaning of retirement is changing continuously. In the White House Conference on Aging Population in 1971, the White House clearly pointed out that the successful tackling of aging problems entirely depends on the proper resolution of problems related to retirement. In Taiwan, public officers have more stable jobs and incomes than other people. However, the government has been ignoring issues related to retirement planning and adjustment and transforming public officers’ retirement mentality. There has been much discussion recently on the retirement pension of public officers, and this may force retired public officers to deal with retirement planning and lifestyle changes after retirement. This study focuses on public officers and covers three retirement areas: (1) it explores the experience of retirement planning; (2) it explores how retirement planning is executed; (3) it explores the obstacles encountered when executing retirement planning. Female retirees devote more attention to leisure activities such as travelling and sport in their retirement planning. Since military and police personnel retire earlier than other public officers, they bear heavier family burdens but are also more likely to gain reemployment. Public officers have more control over when to retire and have stable financial resources after retiring. However, since they do not specifically plan their retirement, they have problems adjusting to retirement. Although most interviewees did not have obvious financial problems, they still had to consider thoroughly how to arrange their retirement properly if they wanted to retire without much worry. In this study, retirees were found to have a positive, optimistic and fulfilling retirement if they plan their retirement well before retiring. If not, they have an unexpected retirement and miss their life before retirement. In conclusion, it is important for the government to help individuals maintain positive self-concept and life satisfaction during retirement. Either government or individuals need to work and pay attention to helping retirees plan their retirement.


