  • 期刊


Analysis of Subjective Mental Workloads of Old and Young People when Playing Exergames




高齡者 體感遊戲 心智負荷


Human life has been extended because of the advancement of medical technology. According to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), many countries will face the problem of population aging. Therefore, improving the well-being of older adults has become an important issue. In recent years, many studies have pointed out that exergames with body movement interaction can effectively delay aging and reduce the risk of dementia. Exergames were also applied by many long-term care centers to help seniors achieve health care. However, the contents of exergames on the market were almost all designed for young people, making them less suited for older adults who might have declined physical or mental abilities. This study aims to understand the subjective mental workload of old and young people when playing different exergames. Through three exergames with different relative physical and mental demands, the NASA-TLX mental workload questionnaire was used to collect data for further analysis. The results show that the overall mental workload was rated higher in both old and young groups for the exergame with high physical demand and low mental demand. Analysis of the six individual mental workload dimensions revealed that there was no significant difference between the two age groups in general. However, for the exergame with high physical demand and low mental demand, the older adults' rating in mental demand was higher than that of the young group. Different game types mainly affected the ratings in three mental workload dimensions: mental demand, physical demand, and time demand. The research findings could contribute to the design and development of exergames for older adults.


older adults exergames mental workloads
