  • 期刊


Applying the Proteus Effect to Investigate User and Avatar Gender Differences in Wayfinding


在虛擬環境中,使用者能隨心所欲創造角色,而普羅透斯效應顯示玩家在虛擬世界中會刻意展現出符合其化身外在特徵的行為。本研究以普羅透斯效應為基礎,探討不同性別之受試者在使用不同性別的虛擬角色時,是否會受刻板印象威脅和提升而影響其認知表現。研究採2(受試者:男、女)× 2(虛擬角色:男、女)受試者間設計,共71位大學及研究生被隨機分配去扮演男性或女性虛擬角色,實驗情境以3人為一組在Second Life虛擬空間中進行尋路能力測驗,另兩人之性別與受測者相異,以誘發刻板印象威脅與提升之情境。結果顯示虛擬角色性別會影響受試者的尋路能力表現。使用女性虛擬角色時,受測者受到刻板印象威脅影響,在尋路能力測驗各方面皆比使用男性虛擬角色差。使用男性虛擬角色時,因刻板印象中為優勢成員而造成尋路能力表現的提升。研究結果亦證實不同性別在尋路能力上具有差異,男性受試者在整體路徑學習時間顯著少於女性,證實男性較擅長抽象型策略,也因此建構出顯著優於女性之俯瞰知識。


In a virtual environment, users can freely create avatars they prefer. The Proteus effect suggests that players in the virtual world deliberately perform behaviors that conform to the appearance of their avatars. This study investigated how avatar gender differences influence participation in stereotypical behavior related to task performance and built on the Proteus effect to explore whether and how stereotype threat and lift occur in virtual group settings. A 2 (participant gender: female vs. male) × 2 (avatar gender: lone-female vs. lone-male) between-participant design was adopted, and participants were randomly assigned to groups. Specifically, a total of 71 male and female college students were randomly assigned to role-play the male or female avatars in Second Life. We manipulated the gender of the avatars to assign players to groups of three with two opposite-gender avatars; the gender of the participant avatars was configured in a numerical minority status to create a stereotype threat and lift environment. The results indicated that participants' representation by a different gender influenced their wayfinding ability; in particular, participants represented by a female avatar exhibited significant deficits in all wayfinding tasks compared with those represented by a male avatar. Conversely, participants represented by a male avatar, which were associated with positive stereotypes in wayfinding ability, exhibited a performance boost through stereotype lift. The results also revealed no gender differences in specific wayfinding tasks. Male participants used less time to complete route learning compared with female participants. These results suggest that the male participants were adept at navigating abstract and Euclidean spaces in the virtual environment and were outperformed on survey-knowledge scores.


Groom, V., Bailenson, J. N., & Nass, C. (2009). The influence of racial embodiment on racial bias in immersive virtual environments. Social Influence, 4, 231-248. doi:10.1080/15534510802643750
