  • 期刊


A Discussion of Junior High School Students about Sport Activities Policy and Sports Curriculum Development




It has been recognized by the general public about the important of sport for health. However, how to implement in our youth education programs is a severe trial. Gradually decreased every year about fitness performance that it is closely related to sports programs of school and we found that remain elusive under today the school environment. It seems from the development process in the physical education that it has progressively attention. Many scholars also belive the sport curriculum design and content very important for educational development. Expecially the development of sports programs and design abroad literature disply their physical education for young people provides a fairly complete course schedul. We review the developmental sport psychology literature on two major determinants of policy orientations and physical activity courses settings. Objective of this article attempts to explore the junior sports curriculum policy and development through the process from literature so that we can find the current situation and lack of curriculum design and policy of development. Finally, according to the research findings, some suggestions are purposed for the government, schools and parents. The important influence of physical activities on our children learning is significant. The government should spare no time and efforts to reinforce physical education policy planning and try to balance the development between physical education and academic learning as well. It will definitely promote students' learning comprehensions and physical health. Consequently, students will possess abilities to deal with the pressure from family, society, or the world.
