  • 期刊


Assessing the Physical Fitness of the Elderly From Walking Speed


走路速度為全球公認高齡者衰弱或是跌倒風險之重要預測指標,然而隨著年齡增加,神經肌肉與平衡能力退化造成與速度相關之身體適能更早受到影響。研究目的:以高齡者為對象,探究快速走路速度與功能性體適能之關聯性以及快速走路速度在高齡者身體適能是否具有代表性意義?研究方法:以78位平均年齡74歲之高齡者為研究對象,測量10公尺快速走路速度、身體組成與身體適能測驗,身體適能測驗項目包括握力、30秒手臂彎舉、30秒坐站、抓背測驗、坐椅前彎、2.44公尺起身繞行、開眼單足立、2分鐘原地抬膝。研究結果:(一)快速走路速度與肌肉質量指數(Skeletal Mass Index, SMI)、上下肢肌力、靜態平衡、心肺耐力呈現正相關;(二)快速走路速度與動態平衡呈現顯著負相關。研究結論:快速走路速度與衰弱、跌倒相關的身體適能有顯著相關性,以快速走路速度評估高齡者身體適能更具代表性意義,可能可以提早發現有衰弱徵候之高齡者,而進行積極健康促進策略之介入。建議後續更多研究可以進行高齡者走路速度議題之探討,未來或可針對65歲以上社區民眾將快速走路速度結合社區健康篩檢,或是將快速走路測試檢測納入於教育部體育署功能性體適能檢測項目中。


Walking speed is recognized globally as an important predictor of the risk of frailty or falling in the elderly. However, as age increases, the deterioration of neuromuscular and balance abilities causes physical fitness related to speed to be affected earlier. Purpose:This study explored whether there is a correlation between fast walking speed and functional fitness. Is fast walking speed representative of physical fitness? Method: 78 seniors with an average age of 74 years participated in this study. 10 meters fast walking , body composition and physical fitness tests were performed. Physical fitness tests include grip strength, 30s arm curl, 30s chair stand, seated forward bending, back scratch, time up-to-go, single leg stand, and 2-minute step. Results: (1) Fast walking speed is positively correlated with SMI, upper- and lower-body strength, static balance, and cardiopulmonary endurance; (2) Fast walking speed is significantly negatively correlated with dynamic balance. Conclusion: Fast walking speed is significantly correlated with physical fitness related to frailty and falls. Fast walking speed may be able to detect elderly people with signs of frailty early. It is recommended that more follow-up research studies on this topic be carried out. In the future, it may be possible to combine a fast walking test with community health screening for the community elderly, or it may be one of the functional fitness tests of the Ministry of Education Sports Department.


Walking speed Functional fitness Frailty Elderly
