  • 期刊
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Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance and Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations of Helicobacter pylori Isolates from Clinical Gastritis Patients, Saudi Arabia


Background: Establishing effective and acceptable treatment regimens for patients infected with Helicobacter pylori continues to pose problems for physician and patient alike in Saudi Arabia. The aim of the study was to assess the antibiotics resistance and to find out the MICs of the drugs which are commonly used against H. Pylori.Methods: A total of one hundred antral biopsy specimens were collected and processed from which seventy-six strains of H. pylori were isolated. All the isolates were performed antibiotics sensitivity and E-test.Results: The antibiotics result revealed that of H. pylori isolates 72% strains were resistant to metronidazole and 8% of isolates were resistant to clarithromycin. On the basis of antibiotics resistant a five different antibiotics phenotypes were found among H. pylori isolates. The distribution of metronidazole MICs was high in the range between 32 to 128 mg/L. However all other antibiotics showed the effective MICs range was below 1 mg/L.Conclusions: Our findings suggested that resistance to metronidazole has been increasing in the Saudi population. The resistance may be linked to the frequent use of these antimicrobial agents for treating parasitic infections. The E test results revealed that the most effective antibiotic MICs were amoxicillin and clarithromycin against H. Pylori infection.
