  • 期刊


A Study of Text and Image and East Asian Culture: Newspaper Advertising of Tiger Brand’s Yong An Tang (Eng Aun Tong) Medicinal Products from the 1920s to 1930s


緬甸華商胡文虎(Aw Boon Haw, 1882-1954)和胡文豹(Aw Boon Par,1888-1944)兄弟的虎標永安堂藥品,以「萬金油」馳名國際。永安堂發跡於仰光,拓展至泰國曼谷,自1920年代起,以新加坡為基地,經由大量的報紙廣告宣傳,開啟了蓬勃的商業活動。其後,永安堂的藥品銷售至中國大陸與臺灣,同樣有賴於報紙廣告,建立其在東亞的事業版圖。本文選取永安堂急速擴張的1920至1930年代,發行於新加坡的《叻報》、《新國民日報》、《南洋商報》、《星洲日報》,以及上海《申報》和臺灣《臺灣日日新報》上登刊的廣告,分析其內容與特色,探討個中文字與圖象的關係。研究發現,1920至1930年代,永安堂在東亞的報紙廣告透過鮮明的猛虎註冊商標加強消費者的辨識度,訴諸法律途徑,有力打擊仿冒。本來在海外製造生產的虎標藥品,於1927年在上海開設分行,並陸續在廣州、汕頭設藥廠;廣告風格由南洋風情轉為中國格調。虎標藥品結合時事,編寫「新聞型廣告」;並經由詩詞、小說、劇本等多元文案設計,創製「故事型廣告」。


文圖學 虎標 胡文虎 萬金油 報紙廣告


Aw Boon Haw (1882-1954) and his brother Aw Bon Par were Myanmar Chinese businessmen and created Tiger brand Yong An Tang medical products. They were well known for their product, Tiger Balm. Yong An Tang thrived in Yangon and then later expanded to Bangkok, Thailand. Since 1920, Singapore was the base of their commercial promotion, where they made use of massive newspaper advertising, which worked to commence their flourishing commercial activity. Thereafter, the brothers sold their medical products in Mainland China and Taiwan, where newspaper advertisements also played a key role. This paper looks at the newspaper advertisements published in Singaporean newspapers Lat Pau, Sin Kok Min Jit Pao, Nanyang Siang Pau, Sin Chew Daily, Shanghai's Shun Pao, and Taiwan Daily Newspaper. These advertisements ran from 1920 to 1930, a period where Yong An Tang expanded rapidly. I will analyze the content and features of the advertisements and further discuss the relationship between the text and images. Research has shown that the newspaper advertisements published by Yong An Tang in East Asia used a distinctive tiger image as a registered trademark. This move successfully increased the level of brand recognition among consumers as a means of combating counterfeiting. Since a branch was set up in Shanghai in 1927, pharmaceutical factories were subsequently established in Guangzhou and Shantou. The advertisements, once carrying a Nanyang style, transformed to show a Chinese ambiance. Tiger brand's marketing coincided with current affairs and composed advertisements in the form of "news." These combined with copywriting designs consisting of poetry, novels and scripts that created advertisements in the form of stories.
