近年來,航空市場不斷成長,大幅提升台灣的航空運量。航空運送人承擔將乘客及乘客的行李安全送達目的地之責任。機場之行李託運作業安全攸關著行李能否順利送達的重要環節。機場之行李託運的意外事故,導致旅客滿意度的降低,航空公司應重視並加以管理之,以提高機場的服務品質。本文之應用HOLES 理論和DEMATEL 之運算模式,以高雄國際機場為觀察對象,進行行李託運作業安全之核心「風險因素」之評估。在HOLES 理論架構下,本研究現場勘查高雄國際機場行李託運作業過程,並且進行文獻蒐集與分析,輔以專家學者訪談,辨識出行李託運作業之五大構面及十二項「風險因素」。而後,利用DEMATEL 之運算模式並配合問卷調查進行實證分析。研究結果顯示高雄國際機場行李託運作業安全之核心風險因素,包括各項作業及安全程序制定、場區安全設備狀況、裝卸機具狀況、自然環境狀況、空間限制、薪資待遇與獎懲制度之公平性等六項因素。最後,本研究針對六項核心風險因素對航空公司和地勤服務業者提出風險控制策略及風險理財策略建議。
The amount of baggage handling operations increased quickly with the increasing air traffic in Taiwan. The satisfaction level of passengers will be greatly affected due to the loss and damage of baggage. Airport operators and airline companies should pay attentions to improve baggage handling operations. Therefore, to locate the core risk factors in baggage handling operations is important for the improvement planning design. HOLES theory and decision making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) method were used in the search of core risk factors. With the observations of the baggage handling operations in Kaohsiung International Airport, literature reviews and expert discussions, we constructed a HOLES structured questionnaire with five aspects and twelve risk factors. We applied DEMATEL method to analyze questionnaires. We obtained six core risk factors; they are (1) the setup of operation and safety procedures, (2) airport safety equipment, (3) loading/unloading equipment, (4) natural environment, (5) loading space limitation, and (6) salary and fairness in the system of reward and punishment. At the end, we proposed several recommendations in risk control and risk financing strategies.