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United States' Subsidies on Large Civil Aircraft and Its Compliance with WTO Trade Rules (Part I)


空中巴士集團與波音公司在大型民用航空器市場之競爭,隨著空中巴士逐漸蠶食波音長期居於全球市場龍頭地位而日益加劇,進而導致美國與歐洲聯盟相互嚴格審視對方提供其航空器製造業者之補貼。美國於2004 年10 月6 日退出歐美大型民用航空器雙邊協定,並於同日訴諸世界貿易組織爭端解決機制後,歐盟亦追隨美國之步伐向世界貿易組織提起爭端解決,控訴美國聯邦與州政府提供波音一系列補貼措施。2012 年3 月爭端解決機構通過上訴機構報告,給與美國六個月之時間採取適當措施消除不利影響或撤銷補貼。本文擬就空中巴士集團、波音公司與世界貿易組織有關大型民用航空器補貼問題之背景,以及美國與歐洲聯盟間之衝突予以介紹。本文亦擬由國際貿易法之核心規範,就美國大型民用航空器補貼一案之重點進行分析。


Competition between Airbus and Boeing in the large civil aircraft industry grew contentious as Airbus began to overtake Boeing in its long-held position as the world's leading producer of large civil aircraft. The United States and European Union in turn increasingly scrutinized the subsidies provided by their counterpart to its respective aircraft manufacturer. Following the United States' withdrawal from the 1992 bilateral EU-US Agreement on Trade in Large Civil Aircraft and the initiation of WTO dispute settlement procedures against the EU, the EU for its part on 6 October 2004 decided to mirror the US steps by initiating WTO dispute settlement procedures regarding a number of US measures, including federal and state subsidies benefiting Boeing. In March 2012, the Dispute Settlement Body of the WTO adopted the Appellate Body report, giving six months to the US to either withdraw these illegal subsidies or remover their adverse effects. This article provides background on the Airbus, Boeing, and the WTO dispute over subsidies to large civil aircraft, as well as the conflict between U.S. and EU. This article also analyzes important aspects of this particular case with respect to core elements of international trade law.


Macrory, P. J.(Ed.),Appleton, A. E.(Ed.),Plummer, M. G.(Ed.)(2005).The World Trade Organization: Legal, Economic and Political Analysis.New York:Springer.
United States Department of Commerce (n.d.). European Union Agreement on Trade in Large Civil Aircraft. Retrieved April 7, 2017, from http://tcc.export.gov/Trade_Agreements/All_Trade_Agreements/exp_002816.asp
WTO (2004, October 6). European Communities - Measures Affecting Trade in Large Civil Aircraft (WT/DS316/1). Retrieved April 7, 2017, from https://docs.wto.org/dol2fe/Pages/FE_Search/FE_S_S006.aspx?Query=(%40Symbol%3d+wt%2fds316%2f1)&Language=ENGLISH&Context=FomerScriptedSearch&languageUIChanged=true.
