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A Study on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Treatment of Cancer Complications




Complications of cancer, such as hypertension, hyperglycemia, blood hypercoagulability, elevated intracranial pressure (ICP), paraneoplastic syndrome, endocrine paraneoplastic syndromes ("ectopic" hormone production), metabolic tumor disorders, cancer metabolic disorders, cancer psychosomatic disorders, etc. are a common occurrence. Also, during the intermediate and advanced stages malignant pleural effusion, generalized weakness, loss of appetite, and weight loss is common. Clinically the complications of cancer may present prior to being diagnosed, during the progression of cancer, or during the intermediate or advanced stages of cancer treatment. Keeping cancer under control and remedying the complications of cancer can effectively prevent and inhibit the progression of cancer. After all, each time a complication presents it could possibly indicate a sign of cancer relapse. TCM treatment of the complications of cancer can be divided into three stages: 1) the early and intermediate stages are identified as stasis heat pattern, requiring the administration of blood-quickening and stasis transforming, heat-clearing and toxin resolving, and damp-disinhibiting by bland percolation; 2) the stage following the struggle between right and evil can be identified as qi vacuity, blood vacuity, and blood desiccation pattern; and 3) the advanced stage when anemia, hypoalbuminemia, progressive heart failure, and renal failure present, and treatment with qi and blood-supplementing medicinals fails to inhibit persistent tumor growth and progression, can be classified as either cold stasis or kidney yang vacuity pattern, requiring the administration of great yang-supplementing along with the counteraction of heat-abating and toxin-resolving medicinals.


