

張錫純「健瓴湯」加方,對腦中各種內分泌調控中樞因受干擾所致分泌亢進引發的疾病,如促泌乳素、促甲狀腺素、促泌糖激素、促性腺激素 等……分泌過亢,皆能快速有效控制。頑固型、急性「陽越」症性糖尿病,可在健瓴湯加入黃連、桑白皮、大黃……等單味藥,對沒服過或長期服用降血糖西藥,或已大量注射胰島素仍無法控制的糖尿病,可快速治癒,或將胰島素減量與戒停。


Zhang, Xi Chun's Jian Ling Tang variant provides effective treatment for a broad scope of hyperactive pathoconditions induced by disruption of the endocrine system's central regulation of hormones such as prolactin-releasing hormone (PRLH), thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). In the case of intractable and acute "yang straying" pattern diabetes, Jian Ling Tang variant adding medicinals such as Huang Lian, Sang Bai Pi, and Da Huang can be prescribed. Regardless of whether the patient has been administered Western medicine diabetes drugs to low ever blood sugar levels or not, or even if large doses of insulin have been injected without successful results, treatment with Jian Ling Tang variant will rapidly promote reduction of Western medicine drug dosage and in some cases discontinue drug administration altogether, completely remedying the condition.
