  • 期刊


The Female Image of Dunhuang songs




唐代 敦煌 曲子詞 女子形象 男尊女卑


Guangxu 25 years (1899) in the Qing Dynasty, we have discovered some Tang Dynasty folk song lyrics in the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes. These are the Tang Dynasty popular song lyrics, also are our firsthand information of studying people in the Tang Dynasty. This article discusses about the female image of Dunhuang songs. The essential points of the paper will be presented as follows: 1. To praise woman's character and appearance. They praise woman's beauty and the virtues of their faithful. 2. To describe the women's infatuation and sad. When the women fall out of love, they express their heart full of resentment. The women express for love or marriage silly regrets. People always sympathize with the weak. Therefore, the Tang Dynasty folk song lyrics full of plaintive to express the women mood. Thus, the Tang Dynasty is a patriarchal society. They always male perspective as the starting female consciousness generally low. They pay attention to the woman's appearance and character, while ignoring the female independent personality, independent personality.

