  • 期刊


A Study on the Mechanical Properties of Controlled Low Strength Material with Biochar


可控制性低強度回填材料,因其價格經濟,具高塑性、高強度、高流動性、自填充能力及資源再生等特性,在管線、土方回填及假設工程等均被廣泛運用,。藉由生物炭恢復土壤肥力是先民流傳下的智慧,近幾年更被廣泛討論。本研究的目的在確定以生物炭土壤產製的可控制性低強度回填材料在不同水灰比時的機械力學(單軸無圍壓縮抗壓強度) 和現場工作性( 修正坍流度) 表現。測試項目,包含新拌性質的修正坍流度( 應大於15 cm),以及固化齡期1 天、3 天及7 天的抗壓強度( 應介於3.5 kgf/cm^2 及50 kgf/cm^2 之間)。結果顯示,在新拌性質方面,生物炭土壤混凝土的修正坍流度超過15 cm,工作性能符合施工要求,在固化後的力學表現上,齡期3 天內的單軸抗壓強度均低於50 kgf/cm^2,齡期7 天的強度部分大於50 kgf/cm^2,但小於60 kgf/cm^2,在戰時軍事物資短缺時,可作為部分戰略運補道路及防護工程施工或修補材料,但工程施工如考量後續工進所需開挖破壞時,將無法以人工方式( 小於3.5 kgf/cm^2),但齡期3 天內仍可以小型挖土機( 小於30kgf/cm^2) 完成,惟隨著齡期成長,當抗壓強度超過50 kgf/cm^2 時,則需使用刨除機或大型挖土機,連帶產生的工進延宕及成本支出,可能造成另一種資源的浪費,故應增加拌合水量。整體而言,可控制性低強度回填材料所含竹炭量(0 ~ 10%) 越多,抗壓強度越高,但修正坍流度則越低,工作性也越低。


The purpose of this research is to determine the compressive strength and revision slump flow of the Controlled Low Strength Materials (CLSM) containing both bamboo biochar and soil. The test variables include 1-day compressive strength > 10 kg/cm^2 and 3-day compressive strength < 50 kg/cm^2. The amount of binder is 85 g, and the water to cement ratios (W/C) are 1.12, 1.24 and 1.29. The weight ratios of bamboo biochar replacing the fine aggregate are 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10%. The results show that utilizing the bamboo biochar and soil can produce CLSM with a revision slump flow greater than 15 cm. The 3-day compressive strength of the CLSM consisting of the bamboo biochar is less than 50 kg/cm^2. The compressive strength increases when more bamboo biochar replaces the soil, while the revision slump flow remains become lower.
