  • 期刊


Establishment and Application of Groundwater Numerical Models in Solute Migrations


過去數十年中,台灣工商業發展迅速,政府藉由工業區之開發帶動台灣的工業發展,至今已有數十個工業園區遍布於各地,而過度的人為開發所造成的土地問題亦日漸增加,其中部分污染滲漏至地層,不只影響該地區的土壤環境,經過水流帶動傳輸後,影響範圍之延伸至於整治規劃,已成為重要議題。由於地下水在資料取得與整治處理上亦較耗費時間與物力,數值模型遂成為解決水文地質問題之重要參考工具。由於溶質傳輸受地下水流動影響,故在數值模型之應用上,須考量區域水文地質特性以及地下水流動狀態,而後完成溶質傳輸模擬。本研究整理三項地下水溶質數值模式模擬延伸應用案例,包括:(1) 地下水監測井監測範圍評估,(2) 裂隙介質傳輸模擬以及 (3) 冷/熱水回注影響評估。說明數值模式於場址研究之延伸應用方法以及其成果。


地下水 數值模型 溶質傳輸


In recent decades, along with development of industry and commerce, several dozen industrial parks have been established near major cities in Taiwan. However, over-exploitation of these areas has led to environment impacts such as contamination leakage in groundwater. The pollution of groundwater not only affects local soil and groundwater quality, but also reaches regional groundwater systems. How to estimate solute migration in groundwater is thus important in pollution control and removal. Due to time and financial limitations, numerical models after often used to address this issue. As solute migration in aquifers is governed by the groundwater flow, the hydrological characteristics of aquifers should be considered in groundwater modelling in order to obtain a complete simulation. There are three cases included this research to introduce the related modelling process, and these are (1) coverage of the monitoring system, (2) migration simulation in fractured rock mass, and (3) injection of cold/hot water in a hot spring area.


groundwater numerical model solute migration
