  • 期刊


How Taiwan Copes with the Currently Pressing Issues of Risk Management and Risk Communication


近年來台灣環境保護與及食安事件頻傳,三大民生母法—環境、食品、職安法,相繼回應民眾的要求,納入健康風險管理的思維。當前的諸多挑戰:環境影響評估之健康風險評估、細微粒與危害空氣污物管理、大型工業基地風險管理、土壤地下水污染場址褐地開發、食品國際貿易、膳食風險評估、食品溯源風險控管、食品危害物及添加物管制標準訂定、食品製造與加工風險管理等,如何平衡風險與利益,兼顧公共衛生與永經濟發展,攸關國家整體發展甚巨。本文以文獻回顧法,針對風險管理與風險溝通,彙整國內外重要規範與案例,剖析台灣當前重要問題,釐清窒礙之處,建議可行方案。九項建議如下:(1)政策之訂定須兼顧專家與民眾觀點、(2)探討本土族群風險感知因子、(3)建立本土毒理參數訂定機制、(4)善用生物有效性學理避免過度保守之風險推估、(5)借鏡美國United State National Research Council風險管理之最新建議、(6)區隔風險評估與風險管理工作、(7)建構風險管理決策支援系統、(8)建立事件導向之風險管理制度、(9)培育風險溝通的實務人才。


1. Background In recent years, many risk events related to environmental protection and food safety have taken place in Taiwan. Accordingly, the concept of risk management has been incorporated in three government bills on environmental protection, food safety, and occupational safety. The focal issues and challenges in this context are: health risk assessment (HRA) within the framework of environmental risk assessment (EIA), the air quality management of fine particles and hazardous pollutants, the risk management of large industrial complex sites, brownfield development of soil and groundwater contaminated sites, international food trading, population-based dietary risk assessment, premarket food risk surveillance and control, regulatory standards of food hazards and additives, risk control of food manufacturing and processing. A key issue in these national risk agenda is thus balancing risks and benefits while also considering sustainability and development. This study aims to clarify the pressing issues in this context and propose feasible risk management and communication resolutions to them. 2. Methods The method of literature review was used in this study to analyze the pressing issues of risk management and risk communication in Taiwan. The important Taiwanese and international guidelines and case studies used in this work were published by: the United State National Research Council (NRC), Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), Taiwan Environmental Protection (TEPA), Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA), and key international peer-reviewed research journals. 3. Results Nine suggestions are proposed: (1) Public policy is better made by considering both expert opinions and public perception; (2) the risk perception of the Taiwanese public should be studied more extensively; (3) a mechanism for establishing toxicological references suitable for Taiwan should be set-up; (4) the bioavailability of encapsulated soil should be applied to reduce the conservativeness of current risk estimates; (5) we should examine the suggestions of the latest National Research Council risk management guidelines; (6) the work of risk assessment must be functionally separated from that of risk management; (7) a site-specific decision support system (DSS) is beneficial for better risk communication and decisionmaking; (8) the event-specific model of risk management should be established; and (9) practical professionals capable of risk communication should be fostered for regular needs. 4. Conclusions This study analyzed several pressing issues regarding risk management and communication in Taiwan. These issues involved the multi-disciplines of toxicological science, science and technology management, economic development, and social science. It is hoped that this study will promote better risk management and communication with a more appropriate balance of risk and benefit in the process of policy making in Taiwan.


