  • 期刊


The Establishment of Soil Characteristics and Parameters of Taiwan Representative Flatland Soil Series


台灣因有多變的環境特性,孕育出豐富且多樣的土壤類型,透過系統性的土壤性質調查工作,始得有利於土壤資源的有效管理與永續利用。過往國內已多次執行平地土壤之調查作業,惟多著重於以增進農業生產為目的之土壤特性與肥力調查,考量國內未來土壤品質及污染管理與健康風險評估等工作之需求,行政院環境保護署自2013年起辦理全台平地代表性土系土壤剖面調查作業,至2018年已完成84處代表性土壤剖面與417組分層土壤樣品之採樣分析工作,代表性土系涵蓋面積約達台灣平地面積之42%。調查方式均參照美國土壤調查作業手冊,挖掘約1 m深之土壤剖面並依土壤化育形態特徵採集分層土壤樣品,除於現地記錄土壤特徵描述30項,另亦建立53項實驗室分析之物理、化學與生物性等土壤特性參數之數值範圍。各項土壤性質特性參數均已建置於全國土壤基本性質資料庫中,開放提供予各界作為土壤品質管理、污染預防與學術研究使用。


Various environmental features in Taiwan have led to diversified types of soil. Effective soil management and sustainability of soil resources can be obtained through systematic investigations of the major soil types. Therefore, there have been several rural soil surveys and investigation projects, which were mostly focused on soil features and fertility investigations with the purpose of improving agricultural productivity. Based on demands for soil quality evaluations, pollution management, and risk assessment in the future, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has conducted soil pedon investigations for a representative soil series of flatland soils in Taiwan since 2013. The total area of the representative soil series has covered approximately 42% of the flatlands in Taiwan as of 2018, for which the sampling and analysis of 84 representative soil profiles and 417 soil horizon samples have already been completed. The investigations were all conducted according to the Soil Survey Manual published by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), which is divided into different diagnostic horizons by one-meter excavation based on the soil genesis of the soil profile. In addition to the 30 recorded in-situ soil morphological descriptions of soil features, 53 soil parameters were obtained for laboratory analyses of soil characteristics, including the median and range values of soil physical, chemical, and biological characteristics. All soil characteristics and parameters have been uploaded on the National Soil Quality Database for other data users as a reference soil database for soil quality management, soil pollution prevention, health risk assessment, and academic research.
