  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Infected Mandibular Fracture; Can the Tooth Buds Be Saved?


Treatment of mandibular fractures requires a different approach in children than in adults. The growth potential of jaw bones and the presence of tooth buds are the main concerns during treatment. Management of such cases is mostly by closed reduction, and long term monitoring is also required. Complications as infections and non-union are rare in children owing to the greater osteogenic potential. This paper presents a rare case of a child reporting with infection in the fracture region after trauma. Two developing teeth were present in the fracture line region. Although earlier studies advocate the extraction of tooth buds in cases of infection; (as the presence of a tooth bud may compromise the union of fractured segments) the following case was managed more conservatively. Extraction of a deciduous tooth lying in proximity of tooth buds was done, and simultaneously adequate antibiotic therapy was provided, which resulted in the resolution of the infection. Long term follow up showed proper development of the tooth buds in spite of earlier infection.
