  • 期刊


A Study of Leisure Constraints Negotiation


以前大部分的休閒阻礙研究都是著墨於休閒阻礙對於休閒參與的影響程度以及休閒阻礙如何或為何導致個體不進行休閒活動之參與。然而,這種舊觀念應該轉換了。本研究將探討休閒阻礙新思維的觀點,也就是休閒參與並不僅是依賴休閒阻礙而決定,乃是藉由與休閒阻礙之間的「協商」而得,即透過協商才決定參與之程度。因此,本研究目的在於驗證Hubbard and Mannell(2001)所提出之Constraint-Effects-Mitigation模式。以300位水肺潛水參與者為研究對象,調查他們使用協商策略來克服休閒阻礙的影響程度,以及檢驗協商之行為作為參與動機與休閒參與之間關係的程度。本研究使用結構方程模式(SEM)進行分析,研究結果發現:(1)休閒阻礙對於休閒參與有顯著負向影響;(2)休閒阻礙協商策略對於休閒參與有顯著正向影響;(3)參與動機對於休閒參與有顯著正向影響;(4)休閒阻礙對於休閒阻礙協商協商策略有顯著正向影響;(5)參與動機對於休閒阻礙協商協商策略有顯著正向影響。本研究結果與理論模式部分符合,支持Hubbard and Mannell(2001)所提出之模式。


Most past studies regarding leisure constraints are focused on its effect on leisure participation and individuals' unwillingness to engage in leisure activities. However, this concept is somewhat obsolete which prompt this study to explore a new way of thinking regarding leisure constraints. The study proposes that leisure participation is not dictated solely by leisure constraints, but through negotiations between leisure constraints. Therefore, the objective of this study is to examine the validity of the Constraint-Effects-Mitigation model proposed by Hubbard and Mannell (2001). The study surveyed 300 scuba divers to determine their utilization of leisure constraints negotiation to mitigate the effect of leisure constraints. The study uses structural equation modeling to analyze and the results are: (1) leisure constraints negatively impact leisure participation, (2) leisure constraints negotiation positively impact motivation, (3) motivation positively impact leisure constraints negotiation, (4) leisure constraints positively impact leisure constraints negotiation, and (5) motivation positively impact leisure constraints negotiation. The model proposed by Hubbard and Mannell (2001) are partially supported by the empirical evidence of this study.


