  • 期刊

應用PZB Gap Model探討體育教學品質

PZB Gap Model Applied in Physical Education Quality



對於品質的定義,過去總是以有形的「產品」品質為討論的對象,隨著品質時代的來臨,品質的意義與追求已拓展至政府機關與教學單位等非營利組織。近年來國內大學的設立已趨於飽和的狀態,因此,學校必須提昇其行政效率與教學品質,如此才能拉抬學校的競爭力。PZB三位學者所發表「服務品質概念性模式」,原本是用於提升企業界的服務品質,近年來已廣泛的運用到其他領域,學校教學單位也已開始運用此模式來提升行政服務品質及教學品質。本文引用PZB Gap Model研擬出「體育教學品質模式」,並應用品質缺口理論探討如何縮小體育教學品質的缺口,希望對於體育教學品質的提升有所助益。


In the past, so far as the definition of quality, it had always been the concrete quality of the product that had been discussed. With the oncoming of the quality era, the meaning and pursuit of quality is now expanding to non-profit organizations, such as government authorities and teaching units. Recently, the establishment of public colleges has been reaching its saturation. The school, therefore, must upgrade its administrative efficiency and teaching quality. Only by doing so can the school be more competitive. ”Service quality concept model” announced by the three scholars of PZB, used originally in the promotion of service quality in the business field, has been widely applied to other areas. School teaching units have also begun exercising the model in order to escalate the administrative service and teaching quality. This paper excerpts ”physical education quality model” analyzed by PZB Gap Model to apply ”quality gap theory” not only to minimize the gap of teaching quality but also to maximize RE. teaching quality.


Lai, C. M. (2014). 寵物與飼主關係和服務品質影響寵物旅館消費者行為之研究 [master's thesis, Tamkang University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2014.00680
