  • 期刊


The Change and Development of Rock Climbing and Competition



本研究之目的在以文獻探討方式對國內外攀岩運動及比賽之沿革與發展做一探討。攀岩運動原屬於登山技能中之攀登技巧,後來經由此技術、器材的發展與人工攀岩場的發明,使得攀岩得以獨立而成為專項運動與比賽。主要發展的地區是在歐洲及美國,發展至今已有攀岩國際組織及各項的國際比賽。台灣地區的攀岩運動乃由日本引進,早期也是屬於登山技能之一部份,後由山岳人士及相關機構推廣,目前已有各類國家認可的攀岩證照及舉辦各型國內外比賽。 國內外攀岩比賽最早均於天然岩場舉行,後來因人工岩場的發明,比賽轉而至人工岩場舉行較為公平。國外已有世界錦標賽、世界盃、各洲錦標賽及極限運動,其中極限運動僅於亞洲極限運動尚有攀岩項目;而國內則有巡迴賽、選拔賽及大專盃攀岩賽,參賽人數持續上升,可見攀岩比賽發展之興盛。 攀岩運動及比賽在將來之發展仍需更多的政府及大型機構的協助。2009年高雄世界運動會的攀岩項目,希望能在各界的協助下,除能辦好比賽外,亦希望有優秀之選手出現為國爭光。


攀岩 攀岩比賽


The purpose of this study was to use the literature review to introduce the rock climbing and competition's course of change and development. Originally rock climbing was a technique of mountaineering. Then some climbers became interested in this unique technique and more and more gears were invented and developed, so the rock climbing became a kind of sport even brought the rock climbing competition. This sport was well developed in Europe and United States. Now there are formal international organizations and competitions of rock climbing. Taiwanese rock climbing was derived from Japanese. In early times, rock climbing was also a technique of mountaineering in Taiwan. After some decades, the rock climbing was stood along by Taiwanese climbers and organizations. Right now Taiwan already has set up different kinds of formal licenses of rock climbing. The earliest climbing competition was held on a natural wall. After the artificial wall invented, climbing competition was changed to that kind of wall. Till now there are world championship, world cup, continent championship, and X-Games to make the competitions. But X-Games now only the Asian X-Games have the climbing competition. Taiwanese rock climbing competition's change and development is just like the world's trend, from the natural wall to artificial wall. Taiwan has the tournament competitions, tryout, and university cup competition now. In the future, rock climbing in Taiwan still needs more helps from governments and enterprises. As the 2009 World Games in Kaoshiung, rock climbing is one game in it, we hope we can hold a good competition and have a good climber with excellent performance.
