  • 期刊


Teaching Reading on Japanese Newspaper Articlesfor Pre-N2 Learners


根據文獻資料顯示日本語初中級閱讀教學法多以音讀法、默讀法為主,但根據塩澤(1992)之考察,認為單純的音讀法會妨礙外國人學習者理解文章內容,建議音讀前宜先默讀做初步理解,方能增進文章內容理解,進而提昇閱讀能力。本文延續塩澤等先進之研究,以探討中級前期階段日本語新聞記事之有效閱讀教學法為目的,將學習者分為A 組:以音讀為主的默讀・音讀併用法(先默讀一次,再音讀二次)、B 組:默讀法(三次)兩組,進行一學期教學實踐。考察兩種教學法何者提昇閱讀能力較有幫助;進而比較分析其優劣,探討其提昇閱讀能力之原因。從A、B 兩組之成對樣本t 檢定之實証結果顯示,得知兩種教學法均可顯著提昇閱讀能力;且其優劣並無顯著差異。問卷調查結果則顯示出A、B 兩組學習者均給予本課程肯定的評價,而A 組滿意度較B 組高。在口頭調查方面,A 組學習者表示如能增加默讀次數,應有助於內容理解;B 組學習者則表示一直默讀容易打磕睡,如能加入音讀,應能有效改善此現象。綜合以上考察結果,得知做為中級前期階段日本語新聞記事之閱讀教學法,兩種教學法均有成效;但默讀・音讀並重法(先默讀二次,再音讀二次)或許成效更佳。為尋求更有效之閱讀教學法,將以此為今後之研究課題,進行考察。


According to related literature, Japanese basic and intermediate reading courses mainly adopt read-aloud and silent reading. However, Siozawa (1992) believed that reading comprehension might be hindered when foreign language learners adopt read-aloud only. He suggested that it was better to understand the articles before adopting read-aloud so that reading comprehension and reading ability could be increased. The current research was followed by Siozawa and other researchers. It aimed at investigating effective reading teaching on Japanese newspaper for pre-N2 learners. Learners were divided into two groups. Learners in group A adopted read-aloud plus silent reading while learners in group B adopted silent reading only. The current research investigated which teaching method of group A was more helpful for increasing reading ability and analyzed the possible reasons, but learners in group B have indicated that silent reading tend to drowse, as read-aloud were adopted additionally, the learning effect was expected to be improved.According to the result, both reading teaching methods had effective results in Japanese newspaper article reading for pre-N2 learners. However, read-aloud plus silent reading might have better effect.


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顏甄(2008)「中級段階における読解の授業実践―「黙読・音読併用法」と「黙読法」の視点を通して―」 『東アジア日本語教育・日本文化研究』第十一輯 pp.33-45
康妙齡(2005)「新聞日本語授業指導の試み―銘伝大学を例に―」『銘伝日本語教育第 8 期』pp.246-270
佐藤勢紀子(1989)「中級段階における速読の試み―新聞を主教材として―」『日本語教育 67 号』、社団法人日本語教育 pp.181-193
