  • 期刊


The Connotations and Denotations of Alaya Consciousness-Comment on Chen Yibiao's "about the Change of the Literal Meaning of Alaya Consciousness"



阿赖耶识又称为第八识、藏识、异熟识、阿陀那识、心、所知依等等,它是大乘最重要的秘密法,不共声闻与缘觉。阿赖耶识的存在是一种客观的事实,所以它有具体的内涵与外延,也能让人观察到它的存在。它有种种的性状,而经论在描述它时各有侧重,以致在表面上看来差距很大,但在实证阿赖耶识的人看来,这些都是正确的描述。 大部分的西方和日本学者,都把佛教当做思想来研究,这其实是违背经教的,经教中处处皆有要求实证的文字记载。这些学者因为偏见与方法上的错误,所得的结论也错得很离谱。 阿赖耶识的内涵包括:它是无始以来的存在,是不待他缘、本然的存在,是诸法的根本因;它隐藏于肉体内,维持众生的寿命,是众生所贪爱的对象,并且为众生内执为我。以上内涵,《阿含经》皆曾隐约的提及。 阿赖耶识的外延,则不是语言文字所能够表述的,因为它正是语言文字所指涉的真实事物。这只有大乘见道的菩萨能够了知。


The Alaya consciousness, or called the eighth consciousness, store consciousness, Vipaka consciousness, Adana consciousness, mind, what the perception depends on, etc., is the most important secret dharma of Mahayana and not included in the dharma of sound-hearer or solitary-realizer. The existence of Alaya consciousness is an objective fact; therefore, it has concrete connotations and denotations and its existence is observable. With lots of natures and states, it is described with different focuses among sutras and treatises so that the descriptions seem very different outwardly. But for those who have personally experienced the Alaya consciousness, these descriptions are all correct. Most Western and Japanese researchers study Buddhism by regarding it as a thought. It in fact conflicts with the teachings of sutras. There is lots of recoded evidence about the requirement of personal experience in sutras. Those researchers, due to their prejudices and mistakes in methods, have drawn wrong conclusions with significant errors. The connotations of Alaya consciousness include: it independently and originally exists since the beginningless time and is the root cause of all dharmas; it hides in the physical body and sustains sentient being's life; it is the object which each sentient being is greedy for and it is the self to whcih each sentient being. is internally attached to. These connotations have been indistinctly mentioned in The Agama Sutras. On the other hand, the denotations of Alaya consciousness can not be described through language because it is the real object which the language refers to. Only those Mahayana bodhisattvas who have personally experienced it can understand.
