  • 會議論文

A Combination of Energy Amplification & Light Waves Transmission


There is a Jewish saying: ”Impossible things in the world are all to be honored one by one.” Einstein once said: ”Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” I believe: ”Religion guides science, science proves religion, and there is an invisible Creator behind all things in the universe.”We live in the atmosphere where the core of the sun burns 620 million tons of hydrogen per second. It takes about 8 minutes and 19 seconds for the sunlight to reach the Earth. The sunlight supports the growth of all living things on Earth via photosynthesis. It also dominates the climate and weather on Earth. From the prehistoric times, mankind has believed that the sun has a huge impact on Earth. Some cultures even worship the sun as ”God”. As there are substances such as sunlight, water and air exist in the universe, nothing is conserved as the energy can enlarge through conversions. Only part of all physicists' theories and the experiments today believes that the universe cannot have energy amplification, which fabricates from nothing. If there is a perpetual power, it would violate the law of conservation of energy. It would also violate the friction and air resistance of the first law of thermodynamics. Under the traditional architecture's definition, the mechanic will eventually stop. As what we talk about today, why is energy not conserved? It is because the energy can amplify. It also implies that our mind is not conserved as well as our ideas. There was no mankind or vegetation exists upon the birth of Earth as it all depends on the sunlight and the water for today's prosperity. A single rice grain can breed into 10 millions or millions of strains of rice just because the energy is not conserved. Therefore, the energy can amplify.The Energy amplification device can not only use the techniques that transfer thermal energy into electric energy to increate the energy amplification, but also enhance the illumination level by using the light guiding device that guides the lights through reflections and extend the lighting area unlimitedly.Compare to the commonly used technologies, this invention has the following advantages:1. Capable of emitting light waves with energy power source through the transmitting components inside the power generators. It allows all electrical charging devices within the irradiation of the light waves to receive the power and then supply power to remote end without the need of any power cordusage.2. Light waves can be received by the transmitting device and then send off to the electric charging device. It can emit light waves to locations that are remote or between mountains, buildings or walls without light waves been stopped by the middle barriers and fail to reach to the remote electric charging device.


Energy Light Power
