  • 期刊

The Amendment of KORUS FTA and Its Effect Toward US-South Korea Relations under Moon Jae-in Administration



As Asia-Pacific has been becoming more dynamic with Donald Trump elected the President of United States in 2017 January. During the U.S. presidential election campaign, Trump referred the U.S.-South Korea bilateral free trade agreement (KORUS FTA) as "job killing deal" and announced his intention to renegotiate that deal or terminate it on April 28, 2017. KORUS FTA not only plays a key role toward USSouth Korea bilateral relations but also represents U.S. trade policy toward related FTA negotiation on mutual economic cooperation. The global world is watching South Korea's counter measure and following situation development on KORUS FTA amendment. Therefore, the main theme of the paper elaborates the previous background and negotiation process of KORUS FTA and U.S. President Donald Trump's statement on "Renegotiation of KORUS FTA" briefly, then probes into the possible impact of South Korea for on KORUS FTA Amendment and explores South Korea government how to adjust its contingency plan on KORUS FTA amendment to prevent accidental controversy on toward US-South Korea bilateral relations and mutual economic cooperation under Moon Jae-in administration.


2017年的亞太局勢隨著川普於1月當選美國總統,開始有了顯著的變化,在美國總統大選期間,川普便聲稱美韓雙邊自由貿易協定(KORUS FTA)為扼殺美國工作機會的不平等協議,並在2017年4月28日宣布有意就韓美FTA重新談判或終止該協議。韓美FTA不僅對美韓雙邊關係具有一定程度的象徵意義,同時韓美FTA修正談判的結果也某種程度上顯示美國對於涉及相互經濟合作層面與FTA談判的貿易政策走向。全世界亦正引頸關注韓國政府對韓美FTA修正談判所採取的因應對策及其後續發展。因此,本文主要闡述美國總統川普提出韓美FTA「重新談判」的發言背景和雙方啟動修正談判的決策過程,同時探討韓美FTA修正案對韓國可能產生的政經影響,以及文在寅政府如何就韓美FTA修正談判設定應變計劃,以防止雙邊關係及經濟合作發展因韓美FTA修正談判而受到影響。


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“Trade in Goods with South Korea,” United States Census Bureau, https://www.census.gov/foreign- trade/balance/c5800.html
Korea,” Office of the United States Trade Representative, https://ustr.gov/countries-regions/japan-korea-apec/korea, (downloaded date: May 29, 2017).
Jim Zarroli, “Trump Pledges To Withdraw From U.S.-South Korea Trade Agreement,” National Public Radio, September 6, 2017, https://www.npr.org/2017/09/06/548985192/trump-pledges-to-withdraw-from-u-s-south-korea-trade-agreement, (downloaded date: October 10, 2017).
Karen Tumulty, “How Donald Trump came up with 'Make America Great Again',” The Washington Post, January 18, 2017, https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/how-donald-trump-came-up-with-make-america-great-again/2017/01/17/fb6acf5e-dbf7-11e6-ad42-f3375f271c9c_story.html?postshare=831484737469175&tid=ss_tw&utm_term=.c42053ab02d7, (downloaded date: August 30, 2017).
