  • 期刊

High-risk Situations Associated with Relapse of Methamphetamine Use: A Qualitative Study of Juvenile Drug Offenders in Southern Taiwan



背景及目的:青少年使用安非他命的行為復發率極高。本研究之目的在於調查青少年使用安非他命行為復發相關的高危險情境為何。 方法:15 位來自南台灣某少年觀護所接受觀察勒戒具有使用安非他命行為復發經驗之青少年為研究對象,兩位研究者以半結構化深度訪談方式調查個案再度使用安非他命的情境和內外相關事件,再將錄音內容轉譯成文字,進行內容分析,以了解與反覆使用安非他命相關的高危險性情境。 結果:青少年個案對於引發自己再次使用安非他命的高危險性情境具有多方面的歸因,包括:(一)再次看到安非他命或身旁有人使用而引起想用的慾望;(二)在同儕的壓力或影響下再次使用;(三)處於負向的情緒狀態中;和(四)工作疲憊希望藉使用安非他命提神。 討論:多項高危險性情境與青少年安非他命使用行為復發有所關聯,研究者並針對本研究結果與國外Marlatt所提之「復發情境」研究結果進行比較。


Background and purpose: Relapse rate of methamphetamine (MAMP) use is high among adolescent users. This study aims to identify high-risk situations associated with relapse of MAMP use among juvenile drug offenders in southern Taiwan. Methods: A total of 15 juvenile drug offenders with experience of relapse from a juvenile detention center in southern Taiwan were recruited in this study. Two interviewers conducted an exploratory in-depth interview with a guide covering specific topics to participants. Audio-taped recording skill were employed, and the data were analyzed by qualitative content analysis. Results: Several high-risk situations associated with relapse of MAMP use among juvenile drug offenders were identified as follows: (1) temptation or urges triggered by contact with MAMP; (2) social pressure; (3) coping with negative emotional states; and (4) coping with negative physical states to improve self-efficacy. Discussion: Juvenile drug offenders attribute relapse to several different factors. Certain similarities and differences between the results of the current study and Marlatt's ”relapse taxonomy” were found.
