  • 期刊


The Revision of the Sources of Sport-Confidence Questionnaire (SSCQ)


本研究目的在修訂Vealey,Hayashi,Gamer-Holman,& Glacobbi (1998)的運動自信心來源問卷(Sources of Sport-Confidence Questionnaire, SSCQ)以及檢驗其信效度。研究對象為國立臺南師院、永達技術學院、新豐高中和台南二中等大專及高中學生運動員共239名,其中包括男生163名、女生76名,平均年齡為18.16 (SD=1.95)。所得資料經探索性因素分析、項目分析及信度分析,結果顯示修訂後SSCQ有「精熟」、「生理/心理準備」、「教練領導」、「能力展現」、「環境有利」、「替代經驗」和「社會支持」共七個分量表,整體信度為Cronbach α為.92,總解釋變異量為65.102%,具有可接受的信效度。本研究吉果顯示,修訂後問卷與原問卷減少了「身體的自我呈現」且「舒適的環境」和「情境有利」因素則合併成「環境有利」因素。未來,可依據Vealey et al. (1998)理論架構增加本土性題目,不斷修正本土運動員的運動自信心來源問卷。


The purpose of this study was to revise the Sources of Sport-Confidence Questionnaire (Vealey, Hayashi, Garner-Holman & Glacobbi, 1998) and examined its reliability and construct validity. The subjects consisted of 239 including 163 males and 76 females (average age =18.16±1.95 years old) university and high school student-athletes sampled from the National Tainan Teacher College, Yung-Da College, National Tainan Second High School, and National Shin-Feng High School. An exploratory factor analysis, item-analysis, and reliability analysis revealed that revised SSCQ consisted of mastery, physical/mental preparation, coaches' leadership, demonstration of ability, environmental favorableness, vicarious experience, and social support, seven subscales. Also, Cronbach' α method demonstrated adequate internal consistency for the SSCQ was .92 and construct validity was acceptable (accounted for 65.102 % of the variance). The results revealed the revision of SSCQ reduce the physical self-presentation factor from the original questionnaire and the original ”environmental comfort” and ”situational favorableness” factors combine into a termed ”environmental favorableness” factor. In the future, we can continuously develop new SSCQ by adding local items to correspond with Taiwanese student players based on the framework of Vealey et al., (1998).


sources of sport-confidence


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