  • 會議論文


The Issues of doctor-patient Relationship Regarding Life and Death Situations for Terminal Stage Patients


死亡是每個人都會遇到的情境,當癌末病人疾病無法治癒時,協助病人及其家人預防或克服因死亡而產生的種種問題,進而能珍視自我的生命,透過省思生死的終極問題,能讓醫生、病人及家屬明白及覺察到生命的意義與目標,進而能出生命的價值。良好醫病關係應該是醫護人員、病患及家屬能建立彼此心靈的橋樑,以設身處地的方式,感知、理解及尊重病患的病痛經驗及其所敘說的意義,並能使相關人士在醫療過程中彼此表達最大的關懷。 醫生對疾病治療的觀點及態度,對於癌末病人及其家屬會產生強烈的衝擊及影響,面對生死議題時,如何選取較適合的處理方式,唯有靠當事者接受罹病的現實,以樂觀的態度接受病情,坦然和家人、親友及醫護人員討論,進而達到醫病之間良好的對話系統。醫護人員應以同理心及視病如親的態度來醫治病人,而病人及其家人應以感恩惜福的心來面對生命中的際遇,體會到愛與關懷,照顧者能夠真誠關懷病患,在醫療過程中兼顧到病人身心靈的安適。每個人平時宜多正向思考可促使自己做正向的轉變,使自己坦然面對生死議題,尋求最佳的醫病關係。


Death is a situation that everyone will encounter. Assisting incurable, terminal-stage patients and their families in overcoming the issues associated with death can emphasize the value of one’s life. Reflecting upon the issues of life and death can help doctors, patients, and theft families realize and understand their personal goals and interpretation of the meaning of life. A good doctor-patient relationship is like a bridge built between health care professionals and their patient and patient's families. The course of treatment should take into consideration the patient's needs during the disease suffering process. Open communication will enable relevant parties to show concern and humanity for each other. Doctors' views of disease treatment sometimes have a strong influence on terminal cancer patients and their families. When facing the issue of life and death, the process of choosing a suitable treatment involves many steps. This includes accepting the reality of the disease, adopting an optimistic attitude, and finally reaching a state of communication that allows frank discussions among family members, friends, and health care professionals. Health care professionals at all levels should treat patients with empathy and as they would want to be treated themselves. Patients and theft families should face the fortunes and misfortunes in life with positive outlooks, and appreciate the love and care provided by all who are involved. Caregivers should demonstrate sincere care for the patients and take into account the well-being of the patient's body, mind, and soul. People should make positive changes in themselves and theft attitudes. They will then be able to confront the issues of life and death which will achieve the best doctor-patient relationship.
