  • 會議論文


The Effect of health-promotion Intervention for the Diabetes high-risk Population in Peitou Health Center


本研究旨在發展社區糖尿病高危險群自我管理之健康促進模式並檢驗其效果。乃以社區健康服務中心爲據點,由諮商心理師及公衛護理人員合作,推動糖尿病高危險群三級預防課程:「衛生教育專題系列講座與小團體交流討論」初階課程、「衛生教育合併因應技巧自我管理效能增進支持團體」進階課程、「個別衛教與心理諮商」三階課程,以協助無法改善者落實健康自我管理之日常行動,來改善其危險因子。 同時爲檢驗效果,分別在三階段課程前後,測量其身體質量指數、腰圍、血壓、膽固醇、血脂、糖化血色素、血糖、體重、運動頻率等生理健康數值;並以配對樣本t檢定進行前後測差異比較之統計考驗。結果發現本課程有效促進其健康自我管理效果的項目包括: 一、參與初階課程有69人,顯著改善了「身體質量指數」、「腰圍」「每週運動次數」與「每週飲食控制天數」。 二、對初階課程後仍無法改善的29人,安排進入進階預防課程後,在「每週飲食控制天數」與「每週體重控制天數」的平均天數分別增加1.08天與1.22天,而且能維持「身體質量指數」和「腰圍」的改善效果。 三、再對進階課程仍無法改善的12人,再提供三階課程,結果顯著改善「糖化血色素」,而「每週飲食控制天數」平均天數又增加1.33天。


The purpose of the study is to conduct the health-promotion intervention and to test its effect on diabetes high-risk population in peitou health center in Taipei. The intervention included primary prevention, secondary prevention and tertiary prevention to promote the health self-management for the person with diabetes high-risk. And the leaders were nurses and counselors. The subjects of the study accepted some health examination in each time. There were four times testing at the beginning, between, and finish the intervention. And there were 69 persons to join the primary prevention, 29 persons to join the secondary prevention and 12 persons join to tertiary prevention. The method was used t-test to check the effect of the intervention. Finally, we improved some effect of the intervention on promote the health situation and the health behavior of the person with diabetes high-risk.


