  • 會議論文


An Investigation on the Job Stress and Health of the R. O. C. Female International Flight Air Attendants


本研究是以問卷調查的方式調查國內4間航空公司共488位女性國際航線空服員面臨之工作壓力與健康情形(問卷回收率約98%)。約五分之三近300位空服員顯示感受到中度以上的工作壓力。 利用統計的主成份分析法,顯示出空服員工作壓力的主要五個向度(1)工作焦慮;(2)工作支持:(3)工作環境;(4)工作負擔:(5)生涯發展。依序分別解釋了12.038,6.748,3.924,3.514,2.812的變異量百分比,總共解釋了85.399%的變異量。另外,空服員在生理方面依嚴重程度反應出(1)腰酸背痛;(2)睡眠品質不佳;(3)頭痛與(4)皮膚方面的問題。另外,在疾病方面以(1)脊椎方面問題(如椎間盤突出等)(2)肌腱炎(3)泌尿系統疾病(如尿道炎或膀胱炎等)三方面居多。 本研究結果可就二方面提供參考;一、在空服員個人方面:在工作中壓力對身體健康的影響不容小觀,因此對於工作壓力的排解應該有適當的因應管道。二、在航空公司方面:空服員的身心健康是公司重要的資產,航空公司必須予以正視,並積極制定出相關的處理策略,提升服務品質。


工作壓力 空服員 健康促進


This research aims to investigate the sources of stress and the health situations within 4 Taiwanese air companies including 488 international flight female air attendants (the response rate is 98 %). Approximately three fifths around 300 female air attendants feel stressful or extremely stressful. Based on Principal Component Analysis with direct oblimin rotation, there are five dimensions have been revealed: (1) job anxiety, (2) job support, (3) job environment, (4) workloads, and (4) career development. These accounted respectively for the following percentages of the variance: 12.038, 6.748, 3.924, 3.514 and 2.812, totally, 85.399%. In addition, in the physiological aspects, it shows (1) backache, (2) bad sleep, (3) headache and (4) skin problems, and regarding to the disease, it reveals (1) vertebra problems (such as Herrniation of Intervertebral Disc, HIVD), (2) Myofascial pain and (3) Urinary System problems (e.g. Urethritis or Cystitis). It is proposed that the results from this research can be implied in the two ways. Firstly by individual air attendant, it is necessary to set up the coping strategies for promoting the personal heath, and furthermore, by air companies, it also needs to build up the coping programs for improving air attendants’ health in order to enhance the service quality.


air attendants job stress health promotion


