  • 會議論文


On the Meaning of Life Protection in Life Education from the Viewpoint of Spiritual Developmentl


(劉易齋,2001)指出生命的存有、生滅和一切生命的內容與現象,都是生命的學問。所有生命的學問都需要教育才會成爲學問,而生命教育廣泛直指所有人與自己,人與他人,人與社會,人與自然,包括動物及宇宙等面向的互融關係。 「護生」(生命權)是生命教育核心議題,並非宗教專利,而靈性的發展與行爲實踐即在日常生活,食、衣、住、行中,如何發揮護生,讓人類靈性得以昇華,而又如何牽繫著身、心、靈獲得健康的均衡發展!值得吾人深思。 生命是世界上最值得珍貴的東西,殺生是世界上最殘忍的事情。爲了健康,每天我們都必須吃、喝、拉、睡,有人運動,有人練習吐納,爲了得到知識,具競爭力,我們拼命地塞進一些所謂“有價值的東西”,但我們花了多少時間去滋養我們的靈性? 本論文將分爲生命教育的核心價值護生、護生與靈性發展的彌合關係、靈性發展的生活實踐、護生的飲食觀以及護生、靈性發展與生命教育的健康進路等五部份進行探討。


生命教育 護生 靈性 靈性發展


The being, perishing, and all the content and phenomenon are the knowledge of life. All the knowledge of life needs education to become real, and life education generally means the mutual harmonious relation between one and himself, one and others, one and the society, and one and the nature, including animals and the universe. Life protection (the right to live) is the core issue of life education' it is not limited to the religions. The spiritual development is to put life protection into practice in our daily life. It is important to protect life and sublimate the human spirituality. Therefore, as human being, we should take it seriously to develop a balance life for the body, the mind, and the spirit. Life is precious while killing is the most cruel. For our health, we must eat, drink, poo, and sleep. Some people play sports while others practice breathing to get knowledge and be competent. We all eager to learn the so-called ”valuable things”, however, how much time do we spend for nourishing our spirituality? This study contains five aspects: the core value of life protection in life education, the relation between life protection and spiritual development, the practice of spiritual development, including the diet concept of life protection, the healthy ways of spiritual development and life education.
