  • 會議論文


A Study on the Dialogues between Terminal Cancer Patients and a Buddhist Chaplain in Hospice Ward




This study examines how a Buddhist chaplain can help terminal caner patients by interviewing and field observing, for seven months, three terminal cancer patients, in a hospice of a research-hospital located in Chia Yi, using a methodology adopted from Hermeneutical-phenomenology. When the data was collected, it was put chronically according to the disease's timeline of development, the situation facing the faith of the patients along with its transition were further analyzed by phenomena description and interpretation. The findings include: (1) Relationship formation: along with the progress of the illness, the terminal cancer patients have different degrees of spiritual needs. (2) Death as stimulants: some near death experience may force the patients to face the inevitable and seek a spiritual path as their guide. Through it, the patients see a new challenge-the transition of life. (3) Spiritual guidance: when death is approaching, the chaplain helps the patients to find a new direction after death. In summary, when the big news first appeared, it shook the existential foundation of the patients. At the same time, it started the process of dying, which was accompanied by tremendous confusion and changes both physically and mentally. The spiritual map provided by the chaplain not only provides a possibility for life, but also brings comfort to both the patients and their family.
