  • 期刊


Influences of "Future Society" Creative Project Competition to High School Students' Future Imagination


本校101年度配合教育部高級中等學校未來想像與創意人才培育計畫申請成立中區未來想像與創意教育區域資源中心,為增進大眾對台灣「未來社會」問題之重視,本計畫與國立自然科學博物館合辦全國「未來社會」創意專題競賽以運用「未來科技」解決2030台灣社會問題為主題,初賽共有來自全省高中職257件企畫書,共874位學生參賽,經過12位專家學者評審仔細閱讀初賽企畫書後,選出20件作品進入決賽,決賽於101年6月16日假國立自然科學博物館辦理,決賽當天參賽隊伍除繳交決賽作品說明書外,需製作模型及海報,並配合競賽活動的規劃至決賽會場展示模型並解說創作理念。本研究想瞭解進入決賽20組,共67位高中職學生其未來想像力與同校未參賽學生之差異,決賽當天針對參賽學生進行未來想像傾向量表施測,本量表由20題組成,分為四個向度:超越現實、鑒往知來、情感價值、情節建構,量表之Cronbach's α為0.92;另針對進入決賽之高中職學校同校未參賽之學生進行未來想像傾向量表施測,做為本研究之對照組,對照組共回收573份量表,扣除無效量表28份,共545份有效量表,本研究資料以獨立樣本t-test統計方法進行研究分析,統計考驗後發現參加決賽的學生其未來想像力傾向在超越現實、鑒往知來、情感價值、情節建構各分量表的統計資料均顯著高於未參賽學生;質性分析學生決賽作品說明書可以歸納出下列八點參賽學生的收穫:1. 對未來台灣社會狀況有更深入的瞭解及能思索其解決的方式2. 對未來科技的認識及其應用的想法3. 增進對未來想像與創意的想法4. 科學知能的增長5. 撰寫研究報告技能的增長6. 團隊探討問題過程的收穫7. 瞭解團隊合作的重要性8. 對自我產生很大的期許


In the 2012 academic year, National Taichung Girls' Senior High School (hereafter referred as TCGS) cooperated with the program of Future Imagination and Creativity in Education for senior high schools, proposed by the Ministry of Education, and therefore applied to form Central Region Resource Center of Future Imagination and Creativity in Education. In order to enhance social awareness of important issues people may encounter within Taiwan's future society, TCGS cooperated with National Museum of Natural Science to hold the National ”Future Society” Creative Project Competition, which aimed at applying ”Future Technology” to solve social problems in Taiwan in 2030. 874 students from high schools nationwide joined the competition, handing in 257 proposals. Twelve experts and judges read carefully through the proposals and selected twenty works to join the final competition. The final competition was held in National Museum of Natural Science on June 16, 2012. On the date of the finals, participants made models and posters besides handing in manuals of their works. Furthermore, following plans of the organizers, participants displayed and explained creative concepts among their models to the judges. This research aims to figure out the difference of future imagination between the twenty groups of students totaled 67, who entered the final competition, and those who did not participate in the competition. The students were asked to finish the evaluation of Future Imagination Tendency Scale during the finals. The scale is formed with twenty questions, divided into four factors, which are Beyond Reality, Learning the Future from the Past, Sentimental Value, and Scenario Planning, and the Cronbach's α of the scale is 0.92. On the other hand, the students who were in the same school but did not participate in the competition were also asked to finish the evaluation to serve as the control group. 573 scales were collected for the control group, and after deducting 28 ineffective scales, researchers received 545 effective scales in total. Independent Samples t-Test is used in this research as a method to analyze data. The testing results show that on all four factors in the scale, the statistics of students participating in the finals are significantly higher than those who did not participate in the competition. In addition, the qualitative analysis on students' works in the finals shows the following eight points of what they had gained from the competition: 1. Know more about Taiwan's future society and come up with ideas on how to straighten those conditions out. 2. Understand future technologies and think about ways to have them applied. 3. Use imagination along with creative thoughts to look upon the future. 4. Increase scientific knowledge. 5. Improve skills of writing research reports. 6. Gain more through team discussion during preparation. 7. Find out the importance of team work. 8. Have greater self-expectations.


