  • 期刊


The Open Innovation Process of Community Tourism From Social Capital Development Approaches: The processes of International Tourism Development of Nisikawa Town, Yamagata


本研究目的為以開放性創新思維,探討日本社區觀光發展模式,個案為位於日本東北豪雪地區的山形縣西川町。研究方法,除分析西川町國際觀光發展的歷史與政策外,並訪談官方代表、半官方代表、民間產業代表以及學術機構代表等21人。研究發現,面臨2011年地震後觀光發展困境,此町除運用當地自然與社會資源,發展出夏季滑雪、宗教觀光以及山菜、地酒等的富有特色商品;更以文化交流為觀光發展之起始點,搭配山形縣國際宣傳、朋友間的口碑行銷、國內外大學合作等結合,進一步發展出滑雪教室、文化體驗以及SNOW PARK、地方創生商品等創新性觀光資源。因此,本個案可謂是運用已開方創新思維,運用既有社會資本,進而發展社區觀光的成功案例之一。


The purpose of this study is to discuss the open innovation processes of international tourism development at Nishikawa, Yamagata, Japan form social capital development approaches. The study analyzed the history and policies of the international tourism development and interviewed with local government, tourist business owners, activity organizers, and local interest groups at Nishikawa town. The study found that because of the reduction in the number of tourism after the big earthquake disaster in 2011, Nishikawa town started to combine social capital and natural resource not only to innovate summer ski program and religion tourism, but also mountain vegetable cuisines and local beer. Bases on the idea of culture exchange, people at Nishikawa connected with international promotion strategy of Yamagata Prefecture to promote their community tourism for international markets, relied on word of mouth marketing to find a friend's friend to visit, and cooperated with universities to take place internship camps or skiing classes. At the same time, the people at Nishikawa built the snow park to foreigners, and produce regional revitalization goods. Therefore, this study concluded that the Nishikawa town is a successful example of using social capital and nature resource to develop international tourism.
