  • 期刊

Economic Impacts of Health Tourism Development in Hungary



本作者主持過多項觀光經濟衝擊的研究計畫,最近她在匈牙利完成了健康觀光(Health tourism)發展對經濟衝擊的全國研究。該研究以2004年的11個城市/鄉鎮的發展計畫爲基礎,並於2009年進行後續的控制研究。本文將總結溫泉公園及養生旅館發展(起始於2001年)的主要經濟衝擊。對於健康觀光業發展的經濟衝擊,主要研究聚焦於地方觀光投資的加乘效益,以及檢視新方案的運作,例如觀光需求流程、賺取收入、創造地方及國家的就業等之經濟衝擊。研究結果可以使市場參與者確信健康觀光發展的重要性及效能。


The author has conducted several research projects on the economic impacts of tourism. Recently she had completed a national research on the economic impacts of health tourism developments in Hungary. The first stage of this research was based on development projects in eleven cities/towns and was completed in 2004. This research was followed up with a control study in 2009. This paper will summarize the main economic impacts of thermal bath/aqua park and wellness hotel developments (started in 2001). The primary research on the economic impacts of health tourism developments focused on the multiplier effect of tourism investments at local level and examined the economic impact of the new projects' operations, such as, tourism demand flow, income generation, job creation at local and national level. Results of this research may convince market players on importance and efficiency of health tourism developments.


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