  • 期刊


The Study of Domestic Outlet Consumer Purchasing Behavior for The Marketing Strategy-The Case of E-DA Outlet Mall


國內百貨業經營競爭日趨激烈,反觀暢貨購物中心業績不減反增,本研究將以義大世界購物廣場為例,以其消費者為主要研究對象,並藉由深度訪談百貨零售業專業人士之看法設計相關問卷,探討如何擬定好的行銷策略去吸引消費者的來訪及購買意願。本研究是以McCarthy所提出行銷4P理論,再加上Booms &Bitner指出服務業應增加人員(People)為行銷5P,並以此五大層面作為變數,探討消費者購物行為對於行銷策略之影響作研析。本研究結論為:(1)引進品牌、販售的產品內容及品質會影響消費者的購買慾望;(2)產品價格及週年慶折扣優惠會影響消費者的消費金額;(3)所在地點及交通便利性會影響消費者前往動力;(4)購物滿額禮、購物袋設計品質、Eee Card會員禮及專屬優惠會影響消費者之觀感;(5)服務及專櫃人員的服務態度會影響消費者再次前往意願。本研究建議:(1)爭取平價大品牌進駐,創造週邊效益,提升營收;(2)賣場的商品區隔及動線須結合消費者心理及型態做綜合考量;(3)加強購物滿額禮、購物袋品質及會員專屬優惠;(4)會員卡採異業結盟方式,提升消費者辦卡意願及使用黏著度;(5)利用新品上市優惠價來吸引消費者;(6)利用整合性行銷將義大世界購物廣場、遊樂園及飯店做包裝優惠,以滿足所有前往義大世界的消費者。


In recent years has caused a sharp drop in local department stores' sale, meanwhile, outlet malls have witnessed an increase in sales. This study used the EDA Outlet Mall as a case example and its consumers as the main subject of study. Questionnaires were designed based on in-depth interviews with professionals from the department store retail industry. This paper studied and analyzed the marketing strategies of local and overseas outlet malls, and discussed how to set marketing strategies to attract visitors and realize customer purchases. This study adopted McCarthy's 4Ps marketing theory, together with Booms & Bitner's 5th P (People), the additional personnel required for service industry. These five evaluation criteria were used as variables to study consumers’ shopping behavior, whereby the research and analysis were carried out to set the marketing strategies. The conclusions of the study are: (1) brands that the mall carries, as well as the content and quality of the products will affect consumers' desire to buy; (2) product price and anniversary discounts will affect consumers' purchasing amount; (3) location and accessibility will affect consumers' motivation to visit the mall; (4) shopping gifts, the design and quality of shopping bags, Eee Card members gift and exclusive offers will affect consumers' impressions; (5) service and counter staff’s attitude will affect consumers' return visits. Based on the above analysis, the study makes the following recommendations: (1) bring in low-priced big brands to create peripheral benefits and increase sales; (2) the mall's product segmentation and traffic flow should take into consideration consumers' mentality and attitude; (3) improve on the shopping gifts, and the quality of shopping bags and members' exclusive offers; (4) adopt a cross-industry alliance membership card model to motivate consumers to apply for the card, and increase user loyalty; (5) use new product launch discounts to attract consumers; and (6) use integrated marketing in promoting EDA Outlet Mall, amusement park and hotel as a package, satisfying all customers of EDA Outlet Mall.


outlet mall marketing strategy marketing 5Ps


卓怡君 (2013)。無促銷無買氣,百貨週年慶陷兩難。自由時報,10月7日
徐文玲、陶福媛 (2013),不景氣,更熱賣,暢貨中心正夯,聯合報,11月4日。


