  • 期刊


Hope and Performance in College Athletes: The Mediating Role of Positive Affect


運動選手對競賽的希望感往往決定其運動表現。目的:本研究先探討大學公開組運動選手整體希望感、動力、路徑、正向情緒及運動表現等變項間的相關性,再運用中介效果模式,分別分析運動員動力(路徑)、正向情緒及運動表現等三項變項間的關聯性。方法:採用問卷調查法,蒐集臺灣地區310名大學球類以及部份體操與田徑運動選手資料。研究工具包括運動希望、正向情緒等兩種量表以及運動表現自陳問卷,以積差相關、結構方程模式與bootstrap估計法等統計方法進行資料分析。結果:1.運動員的整體希望感、動力、路徑、正向情緒及運動表現之間有顯著正相關。2.動力與路徑均能有效預測正向情緒及運動表現,正向情緒亦可有效預測運動表現。3.就直接效果而言,動力與路徑均對運動表現具有正向影響;以正向情緒之中介效果檢視,動力與路徑均透過正向情緒的部分中介作用,間接影響運動表現。結論:希望感、正向情緒對於選手的運動表現皆具有重要的影響,值得善加留意及運用,研究結果除呼應了Snyder et al.的認知希望模式之外亦驗證正向情緒所扮演的中介機轉,此外部分具體建議提供教練及研究者在實務上的運用及未來研究參考。


Being hopeful, especially toward competitions, may influence athletic performance. Hope can be studied through the constructs of agency and pathway. Purpose: This study investigated the correlations among overall hope, agency, pathway, positive affect, and sports performance among First Division collegiate athletes. Then, the mediating effect model was employed to analyze the correlations between three the variables of agency (pathway), positive affect, and sports performance. Methods: In this study, data were collected from 310 university-level athletes (mostly gymnasts and track and field athletes) in Taiwan. The research instruments included two scales concerning sports hope and positive affect and a self-report questionnaire on sports performance. Data were analyzed through Pearson's product-moment correlation, structural equation model, and the bootstrap method. Results: 1. Significant correlations were identified among athletes' overall hope, agency, pathway, positive affect, and sports performance. 2. Agency and pathway effectively predicted positive affect and sports performance, and positive affect also positively predicted sports performance. 3. Agency and pathway had direct positive effects on sports performance. Additionally, agency and pathway indirectly affected sports performance through the partial mediating effect of positive affect. Conclusion: Both hope and positive affect had significant impacts on sports performance. The results accorded with hope theory as described in the literature, and furthermore, the mediating role of positive affect was identified. In practice, the results.


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