  • 期刊

一位臺灣同志運動員參與2018年巴黎Gay Games的敘事分析研究

Graduate Institute of Physical Education, National Taiwan Sport University


臺灣同志運動員仍然處於社會多數主流異性戀的歧視與宰制,在個人性別認同與社會認同之間可能面臨矛盾與現身抉擇。目的:瞭解2002年、2006年、2010年及2018年共四屆Gay Games臺灣同志運動員的參賽歷史脈絡。方法:採立意取樣個案研究法,以半結構式訪談一位參賽男同志運動員。結果:前三屆臺灣同志選手以個人名義參賽,直到2018年巴黎Gay Games參賽前「臺灣」以國家報名,但法國主辦國在中國政府的施壓下,更改「臺灣」國家改以「臺北」城市的名義讓臺灣隊出場。結論:2018年巴黎Gay Games有其特別運動社會學上的意義,藉由被臺灣主流社會邊緣化同志運動員族群,發起人Yang在2018年成立「台灣同志運動發展協會」,並以「臺灣」國家名義向FGG註冊、入會成為Gay Games會員國,打破過去中華臺北的奧會模式,開幕式中以中華民國國旗進場,展現臺灣為國家主體的國家認同概念。


Purpose: Gay Taiwanese athletes experience discrimination from mainstream society, and they face conflicts between personal gender and social identity. This research investigated the story and context of a gay Taiwanese athlete's participation in the 2002, 2006, 2010, and 2018 Gay Games. Methods: Case study and semi structured interview with Yang Chih-chun, a participant in the Gay Games. Results: Yang participated in the first three Gay Games as an individual; for the 2018 Paris Gay Games, Yang assembled a team and enrolled the team under the name "Taiwan." However, the French host was pressured by China to change the team name from "Taiwan" to "Taipei". Conclusion: The 2018 Paris Gay Games has significance for the sociology of sport in Taiwan. The interviewee of this study, Yang, as a marginalized gay athlete, established the Taiwan Gay Sports and Movement Association in 2018 and enrolled Taiwan in the Federation of Gay Games. During the 2018 Paris Gay Games, Yang defiantly marched in the opening ceremony with the national flag of the Republic of China in an exhibition of national identity and support for Taiwan's country hood.


Gay Games gay athlete narrative analysis


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