  • 期刊


Impact of the Perceived Playfulness from Social Networking Sites on Users' Continuance Intention: The mediator Role of Sense of Virtual Community


縱觀全球各種社群網絡的總用户規模為30.28億人,單一Facebook就擁有20億註冊會員。而依據本國資策會FIND團隊2018年所進行的擁有社群網站帳號比例調查,國內使用社群網站使用者不論男女老少第一首選幾乎都是Facebook。在當今政府、學校機關及事業單位甚至個人無不架設網站的數位資訊時代興盛時刻,真正影響社群網站使用者持續使用意圖有哪些關鍵要素呢?本研究便以Facebook為調查標的,冀借助Facebook此成功案例,以某私立大學管理學院有使用Facebook的學生進行調查,探究認知有趣性及虛擬社群的意識對於持續使用意圖之影響,以提供經營網站者在經營網路社群服務網站時參酌之依據。本研究採取量化研究問卷調查法,回收有效問卷為160份,運用SPSS 23.0及AMOS軟體進行資料分析,以檢驗整體模型配適度程度。研究結果發現,整體模式配適度評估符合統計考驗顯示模型適配度佳,並能解釋及預測認知有趣性及虛擬社群意識對持續使用意圖的彼此關係。


The number of social networking sites users in the world is estimated to be 3.028 billion. The Facebook itself possesses 2 billion subscribers. The FIND of Institute for Information Industry has made an investigation on the distribution of Taiwan's website account owners in 2018. It shows that the first choice of those users, regardless of men and women, is Facebook. In this computerized era while the establishment of a website becomes very popular among governments, schools, companies and even individuals, thus, what are the factors that affect users' continuance intention? Our study aims at Facebook student users from the management school of a private university. We investigate the impact of the perceived playfulness and the sense of virtual community on the continuance intention. The findings can serve as a good reference for websites managers. We adopted questionnaire survey and collected 160 effective questionnaires. The SPSS 23.0 and AMOS were used to conduct the analysis as well as the reliability of the research model. This analysis showed not only the overall model fit stands the statistical power and is capable to explain and predict the impact of the perceived playfulness and the sense of virtual community on users' continuance intention.
